All Stories

  1. For research purposes, a mantra should have been repeated and sanctified in a spiritual tradition
  2. Mindfulness for Global Public Health: Critical Analysis and Agenda
  3. Mindfulness Through Mantram and Inspired Passage Meditation
  4. Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy (SMSE): A Stand-Alone Measure
  5. Mantram Repetition as a Portable Mindfulness Practice: Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  6. Studying the Effects of Meditation
  7. Introduction to the special section: Psychology of Indian spirituality and religion, emerging perspectives.
  8. Introduction to the Special Issue: Spirituality and Psychology, Emerging Perspectives
  9. Eknath Easwaran’s Mantram and Passage Meditation as Applied Indian Psychology: Psycho-Spiritual and Health Effects
  10. Introduction: What Should Public Health Students Be Taught About Religion and Spirituality?
  11. Weighing the Evidence: What Is Revealed by 100+ Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews of Religion/Spirituality and Health?
  12. Elephant in the Room: Why Spirituality and Religion Matter for Public Health
  13. Why Religion and Spirituality Matter for Public Health
  14. Environmental Health Sciences, Religion, and Spirituality
  15. Infectious Diseases, Religion, and Spirituality
  16. Mental Health, Religion, and Spirituality
  17. Social Identity and Discrimination in Religious/Spiritual Influences on Health
  18. Social and Community-Level Factors in Health Effects from Religion/Spirituality
  19. Indian Spirituality: How Relevant is Pargament’s Framework?
  20. Some contributions of a psychological approach to the study of the sacred
  21. Courses in Religion and Public Health
  22. Combining Indian and Western Spiritual Psychology: Applications to Health and Social Renewal
  23. Mantram repetition fosters self-efficacy in veterans for managing PTSD: A randomized trial.
  24. Spiritual modeling and the social learning of spirituality and religion.
  25. Spiritual modeling self-efficacy.
  26. Shall the Twain Meet? Buddhist Meditation, Science, and Diversity
  27. Compassionate love: accomplishments and challenges in an emerging scientific/spiritual research field
  28. Spiritual Practice, Health Promotion, and the Elusive Soul: Perspectives from Public Health
  29. Does passage meditation foster compassionate love among health professionals?: a randomised trial
  30. Unique and Common Facets of Religion and Spirituality: Both Are Important
  31. How does one become spiritual? The Spiritual Modeling Inventory of Life Environments (SMILE)
  32. Passage Meditation Improves Caregiving Self-efficacy among Health Professionals
  33. Interpreting Health Effects from Rosaries
  34. Cultivating mindfulness: effects on well‐being
  35. Integrating Spiritual Modeling Into Education: A College Course for Stress Management and Spiritual Growth
  36. Meditation Lowers Stress and Supports Forgiveness Among College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  37. Does Volunteering Foster Physical Health and Longevity?
  38. Learning from Spiritual Models and Meditation: A Randomized Evaluation of a College Course
  39. Migrant Latino Day Laborers and Intentions to Test for HIV
  40. Passage meditation reduces perceived stress in health professionals: A randomized, controlled trial.
  41. Racial/ethnic Differences in Mother-daughter Communication About Sex
  42. A Qualitative Examination of a Spiritually-Based Intervention and Self-Management in the Workplace
  43. Mantram repetition for stress management in veterans and employees: a critical incident study
  44. Religion, Spirituality, and Children's Physical Health
  45. Overcoming the Odds: Access to Care for Immigrant Children in Working Poor Families in California
  46. The Effects of Child‐Only Insurance Coverage and Family Coverage on Health Care Access and Use: Recent Findings among Low‐Income Children in California
  47. The psychosocial work environment and musculoskeletal disorders: Design of a comprehensive interviewer‐administered questionnaire
  48. A Transcultural Spiritually Based Program to Enhance Caregiving Self-Efficacy: A Pilot Study
  49. AUTHORS' RESPONSE: "The Many Frontiers of Spiritual Modeling"
  50. INVITED ESSAY: "Spiritual Modeling: A Key to Spiritual and Religious Growth?"
  51. Without Spirituality Does Critical Health Psychology Risk Fostering Cultural Iatrogenesis?
  52. ‘Does Religion Cause Health?’: Differing Interpretations and Diverse Meanings
  53. Religious Attendance and Cause of Death over 31 Years
  54. Treatment outcomes with low income children and adolescents with attention deficit
  55. Volunteerism and Mortality among the Community-dwelling Elderly
  56. Religion and mortality among the community-dwelling elderly.