All Stories

  1. Improved joint X-ray and neutron refinement procedure in Phenix
  2. CERES: a cryo-EM re-refinement system for continuous improvement of deposited models
  3. Towards the automation of in situ experimental phasing
  4. Macromolecular structure determination using X-rays, neutrons and electrons: recent developments in Phenix
  5. Evaluation of models determined by neutron diffraction and proposed improvements to their validation and deposition
  6. Book Review: Protein Crystallography – Methods and Protocols
  7. Polder maps: improving OMIT maps by excluding bulk solvent
  8. How good can our beamlines be?
  9. Topological Analysis of Hydrogen Bonds and Weak Interactions in Protein Helices via Transferred Experimental Charge Density Parameters
  10. Frontier Applications of Experimental Charge Density and Electrostatics to Bio-macromolecules
  11. Elucidation of the Phosphate Binding Mode of DING Proteins Revealed by Subangstrom X-ray Crystallography