All Stories

  1. Character strengths and positive health
  2. Helping and Volunteering During COVID-19: Associations With Well-Being and Psychological Distress
  3. National Culture and Financial Capability: A Global Perspective
  4. Character strengths and health-related quality of life in a large international sample: A cross-sectional analysis
  5. Do All Savings Matter Equally? Saving Types and Emotional Well-Being Among Older Adults: Evidence from Panel Data
  6. Mind-stimulating leisure activities: Prospective associations with health, wellbeing, and longevity
  7. Associations between the Importance of Well-Being Domains and the Subsequent Experience of Well-Being
  8. Commentary on “The protective effects of wellbeing and flourishing on long-term mental health risk”
  9. Associations of suffering with facets of health and well-being among working adults: longitudinal evidence from two samples
  10. The impact of theatre on social competencies: a meta-analytic evaluation
  11. The role of financial literacy for financial resilience in middle-age and older adulthood
  12. Demographic Predictors of Complete Well-Being
  13. Are depression and suffering distinct? An empirical analysis
  14. Can adherence to moral standards and ethical behaviors help maintain a sense of purpose in life? Evidence from a longitudinal study of middle-aged and older adults
  15. Prospective associations between strengths of moral character and health: longitudinal evidence from survey and insurance claims data
  16. Bidirectional associations between meaning in life and the health, emotional ill-being and daily life functioning outcomes among older adults
  17. Credit purpose and the interest rate – Evidence from the European Household Finance and Consumption Survey
  18. Prospective Associations Between Social Connectedness and Mental Health. Evidence From a Longitudinal Survey and Health Insurance Claims Data
  19. Longitudinal associations between domains of flourishing
  20. Correction to: Associations of recognition at work with subsequent health and quality of life among older working adults
  21. Being good, doing good: The role of honesty and integrity for health
  22. Associations of recognition at work with subsequent health and quality of life among older working adults
  23. Migrant networks, information flows and the place of residence: The case of Polish immigrants in the UK
  24. The role of financial conditions for physical and mental health. Evidence from a longitudinal survey and insurance claims data
  25. Job Demands-Resources Model
  26. Good credit, bad credit: The differential role of the sources of debt in life satisfaction
  27. A socially responsible financial institution – The bumpy road to improving consumer well-being
  28. What Does It Take to Be a Good Lawyer? The Underpinnings of Success in a Rapidly Growing Legal Market
  29. Psychometric Properties of Flourishing Scales From a Comprehensive Well-Being Assessment
  30. The Role of Financial Fragility and Financial Control for Well-Being
  31. Consumer financial literacy and the efficiency of mortgage‐related decisions: New evidence from the Panel Study of Income dynamics
  32. Co-holding behaviour: unlocking the puzzle
  33. Character Strengths Involving an Orientation to Promote Good Can Help Your Health and Well-Being. Evidence From two Longitudinal Studies
  34. Psychological Climate for Caring and Work Outcomes: A Virtuous Cycle
  35. Work, Gender, and Sexual Harassment on the Frontlines of Commercial Travel: A Cross-Sectional Study of Flight Crew Well-Being
  36. Financial management, division of financial management power and financial literacy in the family context – evidence from relationship partner dyads
  37. The impact of theatre on empathy and self-esteem: a meta-analysis
  38. Brief well-being assessments, or nothing at all?
  39. Longitudinal Evidence for Reciprocal Effects Between Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction
  40. Well-Being in Life and Well-Being at Work: Which Comes First? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study
  41. Current recommendations on the selection of measures for well-being
  42. Ill health and distraction at work: Costs and drivers for productivity loss
  43. Self-assessed importance of domains of flourishing: Demographics and correlations with well-being
  44. The impact of workplace harassment and domestic violence on work outcomes in the developing world
  45. Consumer debt attitudes: The role of gender, debt knowledge and skills
  46. Children’s dietary diversity and related factors in Rwanda and Burundi: A multilevel analysis using 2010 Demographic and Health Surveys
  47. Human Flourishing in Cross Cultural Settings. Evidence From the United States, China, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Mexico
  48. Worker’s well-being. Evidence from the apparel industry in Mexico
  49. Religious service attendance, health behaviors and well-being—an outcome-wide longitudinal analysis
  50. Flourish Index and Secure Flourish Index – Validation in workplace settings
  51. The impact of savings and credit on health and health behaviours: an outcome-wide longitudinal approach
  52. Positive health behaviours Polish and Ukrainian medical students in the context of chronic diseases
  53. Turning the Mirror on the Architects: A Study of the Open-Plan Office and Work Behaviors at an Architectural Company
  54. Improve your well-being through cultural activities
  55. Debt Attitudes in Gender Perspective: Is There an Effect of Debt Knowledge and Skills?
  56. Measuring Cultural and Creative Activities in European Cities: Challenges and Practical Problems with Existing Indices
  57. Flourish Index and Secure Flourish Index Development and Validation
  58. Attendance of cultural events and involvement with the arts—impact evaluation on health and well-being from a Swiss household panel survey
  59. Quality of life in cities – Empirical evidence in comparative European perspective
  60. Cultural events – does attendance improve health? Evidence from a Polish longitudinal study
  61. What Does a Swiss Franc Mortgage Cost? The Tale of Polish Trust for Foreign Currency Denominated Mortgages: Implications for Well-Being and Health
  62. Country-Specific Conditions for Work and Family Reconciliation: An Attempt at Quantification
  63. Poverty in the regions of the European Union – measurement with a composite indicator
  64. Spatial Variation in EU Poverty with Respect to Health, Education and Living Standards
  65. Differences in Gender Norms Between Countries: Are They Valid? The Issue of Measurement Invariance
  66. A Measure to Target Antipoverty Policies in the European Union Regions
  67. Health conditions in regions of Eastern and Western Europe
  68. External Factors Affecting Investment Decisions of Companies
  69. Warunki życia gospodarstw domowych. Edukacja i kapitał ludzki (PL)
  70. Erratum to: The Index of Household Financial Condition, Combining Subjective and Objective Indicators: An Appraisal of Italian Households
  71. Measuring the impact of the Web: Rasch modelling for survey evaluation
  72. The Index of Household Financial Condition, Combining Subjective and Objective Indicators: An Appraisal of Italian Households
  73. Household Living Conditions
  74. Household Living Conditions (Warunki Życia Gospodarstw Domowych)
  75. Household Living Conditions
  76. The Measurement and Modeling of a Region’s Intellectual Capital: The Case of Poland