All Stories

  1. (Re)Framing the 'Smart' Fridge: Configurable Technology for Activist Food-Sharing Communities
  2. Between Trust and Identity: Form, Function, and Presentation
  3. Bodywork at Work: Attending to Bodily Needs in Gig, Shift, and Knowledge Work
  4. Cooking With Agents: Designing Context-aware Voice Interaction
  5. Why is my Agent so Slow? Deploying Human-Like Conversational Turn-Taking
  6. Sleep Planning with Awari: Uncovering the Materiality of Body Rhythms using Research through Design
  7. A Special Interest Group on Developing Theories of Language Use in Interaction with Conversational User Interfaces
  8. Feminist Human-Robot Interaction
  9. Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI)
  10. From Self-Tracking to Sleep-Hacking
  11. Designing for Extreme Sleepers: Rethinking the Rhythms of Sleep Technology
  12. Cross-Modal Repair: Gaze and Speech Interaction for List Advancement
  13. Kintsugi VR: Designing with Fractured Objects
  14. The Normal Natural Troubles of Virtual Reality in Mixed-Reality Performances
  15. “Rewind to the Jiggling Meat Part”: Understanding Voice Control of Instructional Videos in Everyday Tasks
  16. Leaving the Butler Behind: The Future of Role Reproduction in CUI
  17. Designing Kitchen Technologies for Ageing in Place
  18. Boosting Robot Credibility and Challenging Gender Norms in Responding to Abusive Behaviour
  19. Conversational User Interfaces on Mobile Devices
  20. Against Ethical AI
  21. Designing with Gaze
  22. Musicians' initial encounters with a smart guitar
  23. Text in Talk
  24. Glimpses of the future
  25. Design Fiction for Mixed-Reality Performances
  26. Situating Wearables
  27. The IKEA Catalogue
  28. Five Provocations for Ethical HCI Research
  29. Data and the City
  30. From in the wild to in vivo
  31. Repurposing Conversation
  32. Searchable Objects