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  1. Principles of describing obscene idioms
  2. Корпусное исследование квазисинонимичных конструкций возьми и vimp. vs. взял и v3pers
  3. Idiom motivation
  4. Konstruktionspatterns in der Idiomatik und ihre kognitiven Grundlagen
  5. Constructions in Parallel Corpora: A Quantitative Approach
  6. The discursive construction n v tom, čto and its parallels in other languages: a contrastive corpus study
  7. Constructions to-to i N, v tom-to i N, v tom-to i ves' < ves' i> N: a corpus-based study
  8. Idiome und ihre kommunikative Leistung
  9. On the Systematic Variation of German Idioms: Converse Pairs as a Constructional Phenomenon
  10. Russian phraseology
  11. Cognitive approaches to idiom analysis