All Stories

  1. TPRepair: Tree-Based Pipelined Repair in Clustered Storage Systems
  2. Achieving Tunable Erasure Coding with Cluster-Aware Redundancy Transitioning
  3. Understanding the complex interplay of persistent and antipersistent regimes in animal movement trajectories as a prominent characteristic of their behavioral pattern profiles: Towards an automated and robust model based quantification of anxiety test ...
  4. Segmentation of patchy areas in biomedical images based on local edge density estimation
  5. Parallelization of Runge–Kutta Methods for Hardware Implementation
  6. Design of low complexity parallel polyphase finite impulse response filter using coefficient symmetry
  7. High Performance Parallel Pseudorandom Number Generator on Cellular Automata
  8. High Performance Parallel Pseudorandom Number Generator on Cellular Automata
  9. ANew Convolutional Neural Network for Recognizing Handwritten Letters of the Russian Alphabet
  10. Comparative Analysis of Various Methods to Circuit Design for DWT with CDF 9/7 Wavelet
  11. On the Computational Complexity of 2D Filtering by Winograd Method
  12. Semantic Segmentation System of Pigmented Skin Lesions Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
  13. Brain tumor image generation using an aggregation of GAN models with style transfer
  14. Isolated Sphenoid Sinusitis: Anatomical Features for Choosing a Method of Treatment, a Case-Control Study
  15. An Ensemble of CNN Models for Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using DaTscan Images
  16. Evaluation of shelter dog activity levels before and during COVID-19 using automated analysis
  17. Case Report: Oncocytic Schneiderian Papilloma Originating From the Sphenoid Sinus
  18. Determination of the athletes' anaerobic threshold using machine learning methods
  19. A Software Package «Apnea» for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  20. A Deep Feature Selection Method for Tumor Classification in Breast Ultrasound Images
  21. A Feature Fusion Based Deep Learning Model for Deepfake Video Detection
  22. CRTf-Based Reverse Converter for RNS with Low-Cost Modules $$\{{2}^{n},{2}^{n}-1,{2}^{n+1}-1\}$$
  23. Denoising Chaotic Signals Using Ensemble Intrinsic Time-Scale Decomposition
  24. Detection of Norway Spruce Trees (Picea Abies) Infested by Bark Beetle in UAV Images Using YOLOs Architectures
  25. Learning Aided System for Agriculture Monitoring Designed Using Image Processing and IoT-CNN
  26. Using Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelet Transform for Image Denoising
  27. Study of the Fabrication Technology of Hybrid Microfluidic Biochips for Label-Free Detection of Proteins
  28. System for neural network recognition of malignant pigmented skin neoplasms with image pre-processing
  29. Using thermal effect of 970 nm diode laser to reduce nasal swell body
  30. A deep learning model for classifying human facial expressions from infrared thermal images
  31. Cancer Cell Profiling Using Image Moments and Neural Networks with Model Agnostic Explainability: A Case Study of Breast Cancer Histopathological (BreakHis) Database
  32. Objective Video-Based Assessment of ADHD-Like Canine Behavior Using Machine Learning
  33. A fuzzy rank-based ensemble of CNN models for classification of cervical cytology
  34. Toward Development of a Label-Free Detection Technique for Microfluidic Fluorometric Peptide-Based Biosensor Systems
  35. A New Method of Sign Detection in RNS Based on Modified Chinese Remainder Theorem
  36. Design Reverse Converter for Balanced RNS with Three Low-cost Modules
  37. Single Image Super-Resolution Method Based on Bilinear Interpolation and U-Net Combination
  38. Automated Technology of Manufacturing the Below Knee Prosthetic Socket
  39. Development and Implementation of the H.264-Codec Deblocking Filter Based on the MIPS SIMD Architecture
  40. New technique to quantify chaotic dynamics based on differences between semi-implicit integration schemes
  41. Automatic Animal Behavior Analysis: Opportunities for Combining Knowledge Representation with Machine Learning
  42. Technique to Adjust Adaptive Digital Filter Coefficients in Residue Number System Based Filters
  43. Towards a Methodology for Data-Driven Automatic Analysis of Animal Behavioral Patterns
  44. Solution of the Problem of Classification of Hydroacoustic Signals Based on Harmonious Wavelets and Machine Learning
  45. Development of Classification Algorithms for the Detection of Postures Using Non-Marker-Based Motion Capture Systems
  46. High-Performance Hardware 3D Medical Imaging using Wavelets in the Residue Number System
  47. Method for Determining Skin Lesions from Images Using Neural Network
  48. Method of Oriented Contour Detection on Image Using Lorentz Function
  49. Intraoperative Sphenoid Sinus Volume Measurement as an Alternative Technique to Intraoperative Computer Tomography
  50. Three-Dimensional (3D) Model-Based Lower Limb Stump Automatic Orientation
  51. Classification of Hydroacoustic Signals Based on Harmonic Wavelets and a Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence System
  52. A Division Algorithm in a Redundant Residue Number System Using Fractions
  53. Low-Bit Hardware Implementation of DWT for 3D Medical Images Processing
  54. Classification of Moduli Sets for Residue Number System With Special Diagonal Functions
  55. Improving Calculation Accuracy of Digital Filters Based on Finite Field Algebra
  56. Computational Analysis of Movement Patterns of Dogs with ADHD-Like Behavior
  57. Designing forward converters for data transmission systems in two-level RNS
  58. Optimal Estimation of Wavelet Decomposition Level for a Matching Pursuit Algorithm
  59. Hardware Implementation of Video Processing Device using Residue Number System
  60. Memristive Circuit Simulation Using the Semi-Implicit Multistep Method
  61. Construction of Residue Number System Using Hardware Efficient Diagonal Function
  62. Implementation of Smoothing Image Filtering in the Residue Number System
  63. Study of Vector Processor Architectures for Image Processing Using Model Profiling
  64. Simulator of Hydroacoustic Signals for a Complex System of Underwater Environment
  65. Wavelet Codes and Their Implementation for Protection of NAND Flash Memory
  66. The Effects of Padé Numerical Integration in Simulation of Conservative Chaotic Systems
  67. Structural and Informational Diversity of Digital Filters Based on Multivariate Arithmetic of Finite Field
  68. One Technique to Enhance the Resolution of Discrete Fourier Transform
  69. Trends in animal welfare and veterinary informatics
  70. Prediction of hearing aid benefit with the use of the matrix sentence test
  71. Analysis of Dogs’ Sleep Patterns Using Convolutional Neural Networks
  72. Automatic Estimation of Dog Age: The DogAge Dataset and Challenge
  73. A New Method for Adaptive Median Filtering of Images
  74. Analysis of the Quantization Noise of Linear Time-Invariant Filters for Image Processing
  75. Denoising Algorithm Based on EMD with Adaptive Adjustment of Coefficients
  76. Adaptive Signal Processing Algorithms Based on EMD and ITD
  77. Animal Health Informatics: Towards a Generic Framework for Automatic Behavior Analysis Position Paper
  78. Filtering Techniques for Chaotic Signal Processing
  79. Optimization of the FIR Filter Structure in Finite Residue Field Algebra
  80. Area-Efficient FPGA Implementation of Minimalistic Convolutional Neural Network Using Residue Number System
  81. Improving pseudorandom generator on cellular automata with bent functions
  82. Analysis of the Quantization Noise in Discrete Wavelet Transform Filters for Image Processing
  83. Method of decrease of discrete Fourier transform sidelobes without window functions
  84. Compact Fixed-Point Filter Implementation
  85. Adjustment of adaptive digital filter coefficients in modular codes
  86. Application of adaptive matching based on wavelets for spectral analysis of signals
  87. Application of non-positional codes for FIR-filter implementation using computers with CUDA technology
  88. Empirical Mode Decomposition for Signal Preprocessing and Classification of Intrinsic Mode Functions
  89. Signal denoising based on empirical mode decomposition
  90. AMD codes based on wavelet transform
  91. Adaptive techniques of signal processing
  92. Application of harmonic wavelets to processing oscillating hydroacoustic signals
  93. Development and evaluation of the program for auditory training in the correction of central auditory processing disorders
  94. Improving the efficiency of modular digital filters in hydroacoustic monitoring tasks
  95. Research and implementation of the algorithm for data de-identification for Internet of Things
  96. Study of spatiotemporal processing algorithms for video and image processing
  97. Vibrational and hydroacoustic signal processing in the frequency domain and its software-hardware implementation
  98. New approaches to pattern discovery in signals via empirical mode decomposition
  99. Delta operator filter design for hydroacoustic tasks
  100. Data representation in the modular code
  101. Development and study of demodulators for frequency-hopping spread spectrum signals
  102. Error correction of digital signal processing devices using non-positional modular codes
  103. Evaluation of human auditory system immunity under central auditory processing disorders
  104. Model of computation accuracy in modular digital filters
  105. Signal processing in the frequency domain using wavelets
  106. The choice between delta and shift operators for low-precision data representation
  108. Adaptive algorithm for hydroacoustic signal processing
  109. Development and study of demodulation techniques for frequency-modulated signals
  110. Development of cooperation between saint-petersburg electrotechnical university “LETI” and “Oceanpribor” regarding the implementation of knowledge-intensive hydroacoustic monitoring system production
  111. Organization of project activities in the field of software-hardware tool design for communication systems
  112. Signal classification and software–hardware implementation of digital filter banks based on field-programmable gate arrays and compute unified device architecture
  113. Implementation of non-positional digital filters
  114. Parallel-pipeline implementation of digital signal processing techniques based on modular codes
  115. Implementation of digital filters in the residue number system
  116. Simulation of digital filter banks and signal classification in wideband monitoring tasks
  117. Multichannel filter bank implementation and prototype-filter design based on magnitude response symmetrization
  118. Digital filter bank implementation in hydroacoustic monitoring tasks
  119. Digital filter bank implementation and signal classification on the basis of CUDA
  120. Multichannel WOLA algorithm in hydroacoustic monitoring and radio monitioring tasks and its computer simulation in MATLAB
  121. Multichannel WOLA algorithm in hydroacoustic monitoring tasks and its computer simulation in MATLAB
  122. Application of polyphase filter banks to wideband monitoring tasks