All Stories

  1. Two-field models in the presence of impurities
  2. Analytical solutions for Maxwell-scalar system on radially symmetric spacetimes
  3. Geometrically constrained localized configurations engendering nontopological profile
  4. Abelian Chern-Simons vortices in the presence of magnetic impurities
  5. Fermion bound states from Yukawa coupling with periodic bosonic background
  6. Hybrid branes from split kinks
  7. Cuscuta-Galileon braneworlds
  8. Mechanism to induce geometric constriction on kinks and domain walls
  9. Resonance mediated by fermions in kink-antikink collisions
  10. Electrically charged multi-field configurations
  11. Collisions of kinks in deformed φ4 and ...
  12. Manipulating the internal structure of Bloch walls
  13. Multi-kink braneworld configurations in the scalar-tensor representation of f(R, T) gravity
  14. New results for cuscuton multi-field brane
  15. Bifurcation and chaos in one dimensional chains of small particles
  16. Mechanism to control the internal structure of thick brane
  17. Average scattering entropy for periodic, aperiodic and random distribution of vertices in simple quantum graphs
  18. Generalized Maxwell–Higgs vortices in models with enhanced symmetry
  19. Effects of Cuscuton dynamics on braneworld configurations in the scalar–tensor representation of $$f\left( R,T\right) $$ gravity
  20. Impact of compactlike and asymmetric configurations of thick branes on the scalar–tensor representation of $$f\left( R,T\right) $$ gravity
  21. Impurity-like solutions in vortex systems coupled to a neutral field
  22. Influence of the neighborhood on cyclic models of biodiversity
  23. Maxwell-scalar device based on the electric dipole
  24. Models of modified F(R,T) and cuscuton braneworld
  25. Thick branes in the scalar–tensor representation of f(R, T) gravity
  26. Effects of chaotic perturbations on a nonlinear system undergoing two-soliton collisions
  27. Novel way to construct spatially localized finite energy structures
  28. Environment driven oscillation in an off-lattice May–Leonard model
  29. Average scattering entropy of quantum graphs
  30. Semi-compactness and multiple oscillating pulses in kink scattering
  31. Configurational entropy of skyrmions and half-skyrmions in planar magnetic elements
  32. Propagation of Solitons in Quasi-periodic Nonlinear Coupled Waveguides
  33. Fermions in the presence of topological structures under geometric constrictions
  34. Electrically charged localized structures
  35. Breaking unidirectional invasions jeopardizes biodiversity in spatial May-Leonard systems
  36. Scalar field model applied to the lamellar to the inverse hexagonal phase transition in lipid systems
  37. Pattern formations driven by cyclic interactions: A brief review of recent developments
  38. Vortices in Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs models with nonminimal coupling
  39. Long range vortex configurations in generalized models with Maxwell or Chern-Simons dynamics
  40. Symmetric and asymmetric thick brane structures
  41. Simple quantum graphs proposal for quantum devices
  42. Geometrically constrained kinklike configurations
  43. Oscillons in hyperbolic models
  44. Quasi-compact vortices
  45. Model for clustering of living species
  46. First-order formalism for thick branes in modified gravity with Lagrange multiplier
  47. New results on asymmetric thick branes
  48. Scattering of compactlike structures
  49. Multilayered vortices
  50. Quasi-compact Q-balls
  51. Kink scattering in a hybrid model
  52. Highlights from the previous volumes
  53. Invasion-controlled pattern formation in a generalized multispecies predator-prey system
  54. Vortices in a Generalized Maxwell-Higgs Model with Visible and Hidden Sectors
  55. Fermion bound states in geometrically deformed backgrounds
  56. First Order Framework for Gauge k-Vortices
  57. Planar ringlike vortices
  58. Bimagnetic monopoles
  59. First order formalism for generalized vortices
  60. Novel results for kinklike structures and their connections to quantum mechanics
  61. Small and hollow magnetic monopoles
  62. Stable finite energy global vortices and asymptotic freedom
  63. Novel connection between lump-like structures and quantum mechanics
  64. Magnetic monopoles with internal structure
  65. Analytical study of kinklike structures with polynomial tails
  66. Maxwell–Higgs vortices with internal structure
  67. Dirac field in the background of a planar defect
  68. Scattering of kinks of the sinh-deformed $$\varphi ^4$$ φ 4 ...
  69. How directional mobility affects coexistence in rock-paper-scissors models
  70. Analytic vortex solutions in generalized models of the Maxwell–Higgs type
  71. Spatial patterns and biodiversity in off-lattice simulations of a cyclic three-species Lotka-Volterra model
  72. A novel connection between scalar field theories and quantum mechanics
  73. Kinklike structures in models of the Dirac–Born–Infeld type
  74. From sine-Gordon to vacuumless systems in flat and curved spacetimes
  75. Scattering of kinks in a non-polynomial model
  76. Kinks and branes in models with hyperbolic interactions
  77. Compact Chern–Simons vortices
  78. Hamming distance and mobility behavior in generalized rock-paper-scissors models
  79. Twinlike models for kinks, vortices, and monopoles
  80. Modulation of localized solutions in quadratic-cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with inhomogeneous coefficients
  81. Apex predator and the cyclic competition in a rock-paper-scissors game of three species
  82. Semi-compact skyrmion-like structures
  83. From scalar field theories to supersymmetric quantum mechanics
  84. From supersymmetric quantum mechanics to scalar field theories
  85. Generalized Born-Infeld–like models for kinks and branes
  86. Fermionic bound states in distinct kinklike backgrounds
  87. A novel procedure for the identification of chaos in complex biological systems
  88. String networks with junctions in competition models
  89. Split Q-balls
  90. Hybrid Bloch brane
  91. Topological strength of magnetic skyrmions
  92. Compact vortices
  93. Geodesically complete BTZ-type solutions of 2  +  1 Born–Infeld gravity
  94. Kondo effect from a Lorentz-violating domain wall description of superconductivity
  95. High temperature effects on compact-like structures
  96. Compact Q-balls
  97. Topological excitations in magnetic materials
  98. Exact solutions, energy, and charge of stable Q-balls
  99. Quantum-Corrected Two-Dimensional Horava-Lifshitz Black Hole Entropy
  100. Thick brane in f(R) gravity with Palatini dynamics
  101. Models for asymmetric hybrid brane
  102. Robustness of braneworld scenarios against tensorial perturbations
  103. New braneworld models in the presence of auxiliary fields
  104. Note on the Gauss-Bonnet braneworld scenario
  105. How to build a compact brane
  106. Stable static structures in models with higher-order derivatives
  107. Compact lumps
  108. Classical resolution of black hole singularities in arbitrary dimension
  109. Braneworld solutions for modified theories of gravity with nonconstant curvature
  110. Thick brane models in generalized theories of gravity
  111. Induced higher-derivative massive gravity on a 2-brane in 4D Minkowski space
  112. Note on quantum compactons
  113. Two-dimensional Horava-Lifshitz black hole solutions
  114. Brane structure from a scalar field in general covariant Horava-Lifshitz gravity
  115. Nontopological self-dual Maxwell-Higgs vortices
  116. First-Order Formalism for Dark Energy in Curved Backgrounds
  117. Universal Braess paradox in open quantum dots
  118. First-order framework for flat brane with auxiliary fields
  119. From kinks to compactons
  120. Compact structures in standard field theory
  121. Modulation of localized solutions for the Schrödinger equation with logarithm nonlinearity
  122. Regular bulk solutions and black strings from dynamical braneworlds with variable tension
  123. Cosmological scenarios in modified gravity with nondynamical fields
  124. Black holes in five-dimensional Palatinif(R)gravity and implications for the AdS/CFT correspondence
  125. Interfaces with internal structures in generalized rock-paper-scissors models
  126. New results on compact structures
  127. Braneworld solutions for
  128. First-order formalism for twinlike models with several real scalar fields
  129. A Note on Asymmetric Thick Branes
  130. String networks in
  131. Deformed self-dual magnetic monopoles
  132. Kinklike structures in scalar field theories: From one-field to two-field models
  133. On the many-field
  134. Bright solitons from the nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation with inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinearities
  135. First-order formalism for flat branes in generalizedN-field models
  136. Scalar fields and defect structures: Perturbative procedure for generalized models
  137. Study of models of the sine-Gordon type in flat and curved spacetime
  138. Black holes in realistic branes: Black string-like objects?
  139. Construction of new scalar field models from the standardϕ4theory
  140. Braneworld solutions from scalar field in bimetric theory
  141. New Models for Two Real Scalar Fields and Their Kink-Like Solutions
  142. Generalized correlation functions for conductance fluctuations and the mesoscopic spin Hall effect
  143. Twinlike models for kinks and compactons in flat and warped spacetime
  144. Junctions and spiral patterns in generalized rock-paper-scissors models
  145. von Neummann's and related scaling laws in rock-paper-scissors-type games
  146. Modulation of localized solutions in a system of two coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
  147. Supersymmetry, shape invariance and the Legendre equations
  148. Generalized self-dual Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model
  149. Quaternionic and hyper-Kähler metrics from generalized sigma models
  150. Anderson localization of matter waves in chaotic potentials
  151. Spin accumulation encoded in electronic noise for mesoscopic billiards with finite tunneling rates
  152. Presence of twinlike models in cosmology
  153. Twinlike models for self-dual Maxwell-Higgs theories
  154. The deformation method and the Bäcklund Transformations
  155. New results on twinlike models: Different field theories sharing the same extended solutions
  156. Compact vortexlike solutions in a generalized Born-Infeld model
  157. BPS solutions to a generalized Maxwell–Higgs model
  158. Conductance Peaks in Open Quantum Dots
  159. 3D black holes on a 2-brane in 4D Minkowski space
  160. Multi-sine-Gordon models
  161. Presence of asymmetric noise in multiterminal chaotic cavities
  162. Twinlike models in scalar field theories
  163. Localized D-dimensional global k-defects
  164. One-dimensional reduction of the three-dimenstional Gross-Pitaevskii equation with two- and three-body interactions
  165. Crossover of thermal to shot noise in chaotic cavities
  166. New scalar field models and their defect solutions
  167. Modulation of breathers in the three-dimensional nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii equation
  168. Bright and dark solitons in a periodically attractive and expulsive potential with nonlinearities modulated in space and time
  169. Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic nonlinearity
  170. Duality linking standard and tachyon scalar field cosmologies
  171. Compactlike kinks and vortices in generalized models
  172. Generalized self-dual Chern-Simons vortices
  173. Lorentz-violating effects on topological defects generated by two real scalar fields
  174. Modulation of breathers in cigar-shaped Bose–Einstein condensates
  175. Traveling wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
  176. Solitons of two-component Bose–Einstein condensates modulated in space and time
  177. Supersymmetric extensions of k-field models
  178. Lump-like structures in scalar-field models in dimensions
  179. Fermion states on domain-wall junctions and the flavor number
  180. New family of sine-Gordon models
  181. Impact of Lorentz violation on the dynamics of inflation
  182. Extended solutions via the trial orbit method for two-field models
  183. Bifurcation and pattern changing with two real scalar fields
  184. Construction of topological defect networks with complex scalar fields
  186. The structure of supersymmetry in
  187. Solitons with cubic and quintic nonlinearities modulated in space and time
  188. Braneworld models of scalar fields with generalized dynamics
  189. First-order framework and generalized global defect solutions
  190. Liouville-like solutions in dilaton gravity with Gauss–Bonnet modifications
  191. Classical behavior of deformed sine-Gordon models
  192. A simple and direct method for generating travelling wave solutions for nonlinear equations
  193. New lump-like structures in scalar-field models
  194. Constructing networks of defects with scalar fields
  195. First-order formalism for dark energy and dust
  196. First-order framework and domain-wall/brane-cosmology correspondence
  197. Generalized global defect solutions
  198. Orbit-based deformation procedure for two-field models
  199. Perturbative aspects and conformal solutions of
  200. Scalar fields, bent branes, and RG flow
  201. Relaxing to a three-dimensional brane junction
  202. Deforming tachyon kinks and tachyon potentials
  203. Deformed defects for scalar fields with polynomial interactions
  204. Defect structures in Lorentz andCPTviolating scenarios
  205. First-order formalism for bent brane
  206. First-order formalism and dark energy
  207. Deformed defects with applications to braneworlds
  208. Defect structures in sine-Gordon like models
  210. Confinement from new global defect structures
  212. Field theory
  213. Locally Localized Gravity and Geometric Transitions
  214. Bloch Brane
  215. New results for deformed defects
  217. Brane structure from a scalar field in warped spacetime
  219. New Global Defect Structures
  220. Supergravity brane worlds and tachyon potentials
  221. Dual equivalence in models with higher-order derivatives
  222. Lorentz and CPT symmetries in commutative and noncommutative spacetimes
  223. Scalar fields: from domain walls to nanotubes and fulerenes
  224. Domain walls in three-field models
  225. Deformed defects
  227. Complete factorization of equations of motion in supersymmetric field theories
  228. Complete factorization of equations of motion in Wess–Zumino theory
  229. Network of domain walls on soliton stars
  230. On the dual equivalence of the Born–Infeld–Chern–Simons model coupled to dynamical U(1) charged matter
  231. Soliton model for proton conductivity in Langmuir films
  232. Exploring the vicinity of the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound
  233. Entrapment of a network of domain walls
  234. Bags, junctions, and networks of BPS and non-BPS defects
  235. Exact topological twistons in crystalline polyethylene
  236. Tiling the Plane without Supersymmetry
  239. Topological solitons in a vacuumless system
  240. Soliton stability in a Z(2) field theory
  241. Domain defects in systems of two real scalar fields
  242. Topological twistons in crystalline polyethylene1This work is partially supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under cooperative research agreement DE-FC02-94ER40818, and by the Brazilian agencies CAPES and CNPq.1
  243. Exact kink solitons in the presence of diffusion, dispersion, and polynomial nonlinearity
  244. Galileo invariant system and the motion of relativistic d-branes
  245. Chiral solitons in generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations
  246. Nonlinear Realization of a Dynamical Poincaré Symmetry by a Field-Dependent Diffeomorphism
  247. Kinks inside supersymmetric domain ribbons
  248. Domain ribbons inside domain walls at finite temperature
  249. Soliton stability in systems of two real scalar fields
  250. Alternate route to soliton solutions in hydrogen-bonded chains
  251. Gauge-invariant effective potential for Abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons systems
  252. Supersymmetry breaking and Fermi balls
  253. Solitons in a class of systems of two coupled real scalar fields
  254. Topological defects inside domain walls
  255. Classical stability of solitons in systems of coupled scalar fields
  256. Solitons in systems of coupled scalar fields
  257. Gauge invariance in Chern-Simons systems
  258. Vortices in a generalized Higgs model
  259. Nontopological solitons in Chern-Simons systems
  260. Note on Chern-Simons solitons
  263. Gauge invariance and Nielsen identities
  264. Surface tension in field theory at finite temperature: Semiclassical fermionic plus bosonic contributions
  265. Gauge invariance and daisies
  266. Topological defects at finite temperature
  267. Gauge invariance of the effective potential
  268. Strings at finite temperature
  269. Percolation temperature and the ‘‘instability’’ of the effective potential
  270. Classical particles with spin and anomalous moments