All Stories

  1. Spatial pattern and ecological adaptation of heterostylous and homostylous species of Primula in China
  2. Reply to: Reassessing data quality underlying the recently updated floristic map of the world
  3. Consistent accumulation of transposable elements in species of the Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiny-leg adaptive radiation across the archipelago chronosequence
  4. Genitalic morphology and phylogenomic placement of the Australian spider Paraplectanoides crassipes Keyserling, 1886 (Araneae, Araneidae) with a discussion on the classification of the family Araneidae
  5. Diversification of flowering plants in space and time
  6. Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of floral symmetry in angiosperms
  7. Evolutionary history and climate co‐determine the geographical variation in pollination modes of angiosperms in China
  8. Geographic patterns in range sizes and their drivers of endemic angiosperms in China
  9. An updated floristic map of the world
  10. Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Annelida—A Systematic Study on Conservative and Variable Gene Orders and the Factors Influencing its Evolution
  11. Evolutionary history and global angiosperm species richness–climate relationships
  12. A molecular phylogeny of the European nesticid spiders (Nesticidae, Araneae): Implications for their systematics and biogeography
  13. Spatio‐temporal patterns in the woodiness of flowering plants
  14. Multiple paths towards repeated phenotypic evolution in the spiny-leg adaptive radiation (Tetragnatha; Hawaii)
  15. Editorial: Temporal and Large-Scale Spatial Patterns of Plant Diversity and Diversification
  16. Relationships Between Soil Microbial Diversities Across an Aridity Gradient in Temperate Grasslands
  17. The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
  18. Diversity patterns and conservation gaps of Magnoliaceae species in China
  19. The Tetragnatha kauaiensis Genome Sheds Light on the Origins of Genomic Novelty in Spiders
  20. Molecular phylogeny of pimoid spiders and the limits of Linyphiidae, with a reassessment of male palpal homologies (Araneae, Pimoidae)
  21. Global patterns of species richness of the holarctic alpine herbSaxifraga: the role of temperature and habitat heterogeneity
  22. Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems
  23. Phytogeographic History of the Tea Family Inferred Through High-Resolution Phylogeny and Fossils
  24. Author response for "Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems"
  25. Author response for "Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems"
  26. Spider Diversification Through Space and Time
  27. Converging on the orb: denser taxon sampling elucidates spider phylogeny and new analytical methods support repeated evolution of the orb web
  28. Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning
  29. Interrogating Genomic-Scale Data to Resolve Recalcitrant Nodes in the Spider Tree of Life
  30. Dimensions of amphibian alpha diversity in the New World
  31. Phylogenetic conservatism and biogeographic affinity influence woody plant species richness–climate relationships in eastern Eurasia
  32. Drivers of large‐scale geographical variation in sexual systems of woody plants
  33. Deceleration of morphological evolution in a cryptic species complex and its link to paleontological stasis
  34. Contrasting Biogeographic Patterns of Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity in the Top- and Subsoils of Temperate Grasslands
  35. Front Cover
  36. Monophyly, Taxon Sampling, and the Nature of Ranks in the Classification of Orb-Weaving Spiders (Araneae: Araneoidea)
  37. Contrasting biogeographic patterns of bacterial and archaeal diversity in the top- and subsoils of temperate grasslands
  38. Phylogeny of the orb‐weaving spider family Araneidae (Araneae: Araneoidea)
  39. A consistent species richness–climate relationship for oaks across the Northern Hemisphere
  40. The phylogeny of pholcid spiders: a critical evaluation of relationships suggested by molecular data (Araneae, Pholcidae)
  41. Microhabitat change drives diversification in pholcid spiders
  42. Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates
  43. Phylogenomics, Diversification Dynamics, and Comparative Transcriptomics across the Spider Tree of Life
  44. Cryptic Species – More Than Terminological Chaos: A Reply to Heethoff
  45. Phylogenomics, Diversification Dynamics, and Comparative Transcriptomics across the Spider Tree of Life
  46. Finding Evolutionary Processes Hidden in Cryptic Species
  47. The discovery of the spider genus Putaoa (Araneae, Pimoidae) in Taiwan with the description of a new species, including its web architecture
  48. The spider tree of life: phylogeny of Araneae based on target-gene analyses from an extensive taxon sampling
  49. Multigene phylogenetic analysis redefines dung beetles relationships and classification (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
  50. Citizen science data reveal ecological, historical and evolutionary factors shaping interactions between woody hosts and wood-inhabiting fungi
  51. A review and phylogeny of Scarabaeine dung beetle fossils (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with the description of twoCanthochilumspecies from Dominican amber
  52. Rounding up the usual suspects: a standard target‐gene approach for resolving the interfamilial phylogenetic relationships of ecribellate orb‐weaving spiders with a new family‐rank classification (Araneae, Araneoidea)
  53. Colonization and diversification in the African ‘sky islands’: insights from fossil‐calibrated molecular dating of Lychnis (Caryophyllaceae)
  54. NCBIminer: sequences harvest from Genbank
  55. Slow genital and genetic but rapid non-genital and ecological differentiation in a pair of spider species (Araneae, Pholcidae)
  56. Response to Comment on "An Update of Wallace's Zoogeographic Regions of the World"
  57. An Update of Wallace's Zoogeographic Regions of the World
  58. Why Do Tropical Mountains Support Exceptionally High Biodiversity? The Eastern Arc Mountains and the Drivers of Saintpaulia Diversity
  59. Pholcid spider molecular systematics revisited, with new insights into the biogeography and the evolution of the group
  60. A glimpse on the pattern of rodent diversification: a phylogenetic approach
  61. Tangled in a sparse spider web: single origin of orb weavers and their spinning work unravelled by denser taxonomic sampling
  62. Evolutionary and biogeographical history of an ancient and global group of arachnids (Arachnida: Opiliones: Cyphophthalmi) with a new taxonomic arrangement
  63. An extraordinary new genus of spiders from Western Australia with an expanded hypothesis on the phylogeny of Tetragnathidae (Araneae)
  64. Mr. Darwin’s mysterious spider: on the type species of the genus Leucauge White, 1841 (Tetragnathidae, Araneae)
  65. On the Phylogenetic Placement of the Spider Genus Atimiosa Simon, 1895, and the Circumscription of Dolichognatha O.P.-Cambridge, 1869 (Tetragnathidae, Araneae)
  66. A Revised Phylogenetic Analysis for the Spider Genus Clitaetra Simon, 1889 (Araneae, Araneoidea, Nephilidae) with the First Description of the Male of the Sri Lankan Species Clitaetra thisbe Simon, 1903
  67. Phylogenetic relationships of the spider family Tetragnathidae (Araneae, Araneoidea) based on morphological and DNA sequence data
  68. Revision and Cladistic Analysis of the Orbweaving Spider Genus Cyrtognatha Keyserling, 1881 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
  69. Family ties: molecular phylogeny of crab spiders (Araneae: Thomisidae)
  70. Colonization and diversification of the spider genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae, Pholcidae) in the Macaronesian archipelagos: Evidence for long-term occupancy yet rapid recent speciation
  71. Until dirt do us apart: On the unremarkable palp morphology of the spider Sternospina concretipalpis Schmidt & Krause, 1993, with comments on the genus Prionolaema Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
  72. The genus Pholcus (Araneae, Pholcidae) in the Canary Islands
  73. The female genital morphology of the orb weaving spider genus Agriognatha (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
  75. Description of Ossinissa, a new pholcid genus from the Canary Islands (Araneae: Pholcidae)