All Stories

  1. Using Virtual Reality for Self-transcendent Emotions for Well-being and Connection
  2. HyperJumping in Virtual Vancouver: Combating Motion Sickness by Merging Teleporting and Continuous VR Locomotion in an Embodied Hands-Free VR Flying Paradigm
  3. Understanding AWE: Can a Virtual Journey, Inspired by the Overview Effect, Lead to an Increased Sense of Interconnectedness?
  4. Space—A Virtual Frontier: How to Design and Evaluate a Virtual Reality Experience of the Overview Effect
  5. Are You Awed Yet? How Virtual Reality Gives Us Awe and Goose Bumps
  6. Creating AWE: Artistic and Scientific Practices in Research-Based Design for Exploring a Profound Immersive Installation
  7. Transformative Experiences Become More Accessible Through Virtual Reality
  8. Integrating Affective Responses and Gamification into Early Reading Acquisition Software Applications
  9. Awestruck: Natural interaction with virtual reality on eliciting awe