All Stories

  1. A model of dynamic stability of H3K9me3 heterochromatin to explain the resistance to reprogramming of differentiated cells
  2. Conformational selection or induced fit? New insights from old principles
  3. The accuracy of biochemical interactions is ensured by endothermic stepwise kinetics
  4. Envisioning metastasis as a transdifferentiation phenomenon clarifies discordant results on cancer
  5. Relative contributions of conformational selection and induced fit
  6. Drawing a Waddington landscape to capture dynamic epigenetics
  7. Kinetic approaches to lactose operon induction and bimodality
  8. Life is a Self-Organizing Machine Driven by the Informational Cycle of Brillouin
  9. Unraveling Complex Interplay between Heat Shock Factor 1 and 2 Splicing Isoforms
  10. Epigenetic memories: structural marks or active circuits?
  11. A Dynamic Model of Transcriptional Imprinting Derived from the Vitellogenesis Memory Effect
  12. Basic statistical recipes for the emergence of biochemical discernment
  13. Whole-genome expression analysis in primary human keratinocyte cell cultures exposed to 60 GHz radiation
  14. Roles of heat shock factor 1 and 2 in response to proteasome inhibition: consequence on p53 stability
  15. How transcription factors can adjust the gene expression floodgates
  16. Evaluation of the Potential Biological Effects of the 60-GHz Millimeter Waves Upon Human Cells
  17. Fine tuning gene expression through short DNA-protein binding cycles
  18. Study of narrow band millimeter-wave potential interactions with endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor genes
  19. Absence of direct effect of low-power millimeter-wave radiation at 60.4 GHz on endoplasmic reticulum stress
  20. An alternative theoretical formula for hemoglobin oxygenation
  21. Cooperative equilibrium curves generated by ordered ligand binding to multi-site molecules
  22. Stress-Induced Retrotranslocation of Clusterin/ApoJ into the Cytosol
  23. Up-regulation of the clusterin gene after proteotoxic stress: implication of HSF1–HSF2 heterocomplexes
  24. 60 GHz electromagnetic fields do not activate stress-sensitive gene expression
  25. A ubiquitin-based assay for the cytosolic uptake of protein transduction domains
  26. Intracellular trafficking of heat shock factor 2
  27. Potentiation of Glucocorticoid Receptor Transcriptional Activity by Sumoylation
  28. COUP-TFI (Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor I) Regulates Cell Migration and Axogenesis in Differentiating P19 Embryonal Carcinoma Cells
  29. Stress-induced transcription of the clusterin/apoJ gene
  30. The Expression of the Avian Clusterin Gene can be Driven by two Alternative Promoters with Distinct Regulatory Elements
  31. The Expression of the Avian Clusterin Gene can be Driven by two Alternative Promoters with Distinct Regulatory Elements
  32. Induction of apoptosis in rat olfactory neuroepithelium by synaptic target ablation
  33. Induction of apoptosis in rat olfactory neuroepithelium by synaptic target ablation
  34. V-src-induced-transcription of the avian clusterin gene
  35. The long repetitive polypurine/polypyrimidine sequence (TTCCC)48forms DNA triplex with PU-PU-PY base tripletsin vivo
  36. cDNA and predicted amino acid sequences of the human ribosomal protein genes rpSl2 and rpLl7
  37. Dexamethasone is a potent stimulator of growth hormone-releasing factor-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in the adenohypophysis
  38. Interactions between growth hormone-releasing factor, prostaglandin E2 and somatostatin on cyclic AMP accumulation in rat adenohypophysial cells in culture