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  1. Is the association of sexual quality with relationship satisfaction really stronger when the sexual relationship is functioning poorly?
  2. Sexual satisfaction predicts future changes in relationship satisfaction and sexual frequency: New insights from within-person associations over time
  3. Sexual beliefs in couple relationships: Exploring the pathways of mindfulness, communication, and sexual functioning on sexual passion and satisfaction
  4. Orgasm Consistency in Mixed-Gender Couples: Actor, Partner, and Discrepancy Effects from Dyadic Response Surface Analysis
  5. Sexual passion in couple relationships: Emerging patterns from dyadic response surface analysis
  6. Parental Sexual Passion and Parent-Child Communication About Sex
  7. The Need for Sexual Wholeness: Linking Self-Determination Theory to the Physical, Emotional, and Meaning Aspects of Sex
  8. The Loss in Connection with Catastrophes (LICCS) Scale: Understanding couple outcomes
  9. Health, depression, and marital processes as they relate to sexual satisfaction and harmonious sexual passion: a biopsychosocial model
  10. Religious Piety and Sexual Passion: What Is the Connection?
  11. Sanctification or inhibition? Religious dualities and sexual satisfaction.
  12. The sexual wholeness model: An initial evaluation with two samples
  13. Beliefs about sexuality and their associations with sexual passion
  14. Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Evaluating a General Meaning of Sex Measure
  15. Mirror, mirror on the wall: The effect of listening to body positive music on implicit and explicit body esteem.
  16. Sexual Passion and Attachment: Sexual Passion Style as a Mediator between Attachment Insecurity and Sexual Satisfaction in Committed Relationships
  17. A closer look at attachment, sexuality, and couple relationships
  18. A Closer Look at Sexual Passion in Relationships
  19. Comparing the influence of romantic, sexual, and cohabitation histories on relationship quality
  20. Women have different sexual arousal patterns and most are linked with healthy outcomes
  21. Predicting Partner Enhancement in Marital Relationships: The Family of Origin, Attachment, and Social Network Approval