All Stories

  1. Nanoengineering stronger and tougher solid/solid interfaces using molecular nanolayer (MNL) bridges
  2. Phase stability and mechanical property trends for MAB phases by high-throughput ab initio calculations
  3. Author Correction: Machine-learning potentials for nanoscale simulations of tensile deformation and fracture in ceramics
  4. Synthesis of goldene comprising single-atom layer gold
  5. Machine-learning potentials for nanoscale simulations of tensile deformation and fracture in ceramics
  6. Diffusion and magnetization of metal adatoms on single-layer molybdenum disulfide at elevated temperatures
  7. Large mechanical properties enhancement in ceramics through vacancy-mediated unit cell disturbance
  8. Descriptor for slip-induced crack blunting in refractory ceramics
  9. Machine-learning potentials for nanoscale simulations of deformation and fracture: example of TiB2 ceramic
  10. Valence electron concentration as key parameter to control the fracture resistance of refractory high-entropy carbides
  11. Engineering inorganic interfaces using molecular nanolayers
  12. High-resolution STEM investigation of the role of dislocations during decomposition of Ti1-xAlxNy
  13. Discovering atomistic pathways for supply of metal atoms from methyl-based precursors to graphene surface
  14. Correction: Discovering atomistic pathways for supply of metal atoms from methyl-based precursors to graphene surface
  15. Atomistic mechanisms underlying plasticity and crack growth in ceramics: a case study of AlN/TiN superlattices
  16. Color and pseudogap tunability in multicomponent carbonitrides
  17. Predicting elastic properties of hard-coating alloys using ab-initio and machine learning methods
  18. Enhancing plasticity in high-entropy refractory ceramics via tailoring valence electron concentration
  19. Temperature-dependent elastic properties of binary and multicomponent high-entropy refractory carbides
  20. MOCVD of AlN on epitaxial graphene at extreme temperatures
  21. Room-temperature diffusion of metal clusters on graphene
  22. Thermally induced structural evolution and age-hardening of polycrystalline V1–xMoxN (x ≈ 0.4) thin films
  23. Anomalous versus Normal Room-Temperature Diffusion of Metal Adatoms on Graphene
  24. Adaptive hard and tough mechanical response in single-crystal B1 VNx ceramics via control of anion vacancies
  25. Strength, transformation toughening, and fracture dynamics of rocksalt-structure Ti
  26. Atomistic description of self-diffusion in molybdenum: A comparative theoretical study of non-Arrhenius behavior
  27. Nanoscale phenomena ruling deposition and intercalation of AlN at the graphene/SiC interface
  28. Mechanical properties of VMoNO as a function of oxygen concentration: Toward development of hard and tough refractory oxynitrides
  29. Adsorption-controlled growth and properties of epitaxial SnO films
  30. A review of the intrinsic ductility and toughness of hard transition-metal nitride alloy thin films
  31. Mass transport properties of quasiharmonic vs. anharmonic transition-metal nitrides
  32. TiN film growth on misoriented TiN grains with simultaneous low-energy bombardment: Restructuring leading to epitaxy
  33. Superioniclike Diffusion in an Elemental Crystal: bcc Titanium
  34. Atomic-scale diffusion rates during growth of thin metal films on weakly-interacting substrates
  35. First-principles characterization of reversible martensitic transformations
  36. Semi-Empirical Force-Field Model for the Ti1−xAlxN  (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) System
  37. Effect of dispersion corrections on ab initio predictions of graphite and diamond properties under pressure
  38. Copper adatom, admolecule transport, and island nucleation on TiN(0 0 1) via ab initio molecular dynamics
  39. Inherent toughness and fracture mechanisms of refractory transition-metal nitrides via density-functional molecular dynamics
  40. Elastic properties and plastic deformation of TiC- and VC-based pseudobinary alloys
  41. Effects of surface vibrations on interlayer mass transport: Ab initio molecular dynamics investigation of Ti adatom descent pathways and rates from TiN/TiN(001) islands
  42. Ab initio molecular dynamics of atomic-scale surface reactions: insights into metal organic chemical vapor deposition of AlN on graphene
  43. Phonon and electron contributions to the thermal conductivity of VNx...
  44. Experimental and computational studies on toughness enhancement in Ti-Al-Ta-N quaternaries
  45. Thermally induced age hardening in tough Ta-Al-N coatings via spinodal decomposition
  46. Effects of incident N atom kinetic energy on TiN/TiN(001) film growth dynamics: A molecular dynamics investigation
  47. Toughness enhancement in highly NbN-alloyed Ti-Al-N hard coatings
  48. Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of TiN/TiN(001) epitaxial film growth
  49. Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nitrogen/VN(001) Surface Reactions: Vacancy-Catalyzed N2 Dissociative Chemisorption, N Adatom Migration, and N2 Desorption
  50. Efficient and accurate determination of lattice-vacancy diffusion coefficients via non equilibriumab initiomolecular dynamics
  51. Effects of phase stability, lattice ordering, and electron density on plastic deformation in cubic TiWN pseudobinary transition-metal nitride alloys
  52. Growth, nanostructure, and optical properties of epitaxial VNx/MgO(001) (0.80 ≤ x ≤ 1.00) layers deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
  53. The dynamics of TiNx (x = 1–3) admolecule interlayer and intralayer transport on TiN/TiN(001) islands
  54. Dynamic and structural stability of cubic vanadium nitride
  55. Nitrogen vacancy, self-interstitial diffusion, and Frenkel-pair formation/dissociation inB1TiN studied byab initioand clas...
  56. Effects of atomic ordering on the elastic properties of TiN- and VN-based ternary alloys
  57. Ti adatom diffusion on TiN(001): Ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations
  58. Vacancy-induced toughening in hard single-crystal V 0.5 Mo 0.5 N x /MgO(0 0 1) thin films
  59. Ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations of N2 desorption from TiN(001) surfaces
  60. Ti and N adatom descent pathways to the terrace from atop two-dimensional TiN/TiN(001) islands
  61. Effect of WN content on toughness enhancement in V1−xWxN/MgO(001) thin films
  62. Toughness enhancement in hard ceramic thin films by alloy design
  63. Dynamics of Ti, N, and TiNx(
  64. Toughness enhancement in TiAlN-based quarternary alloys
  65. Structure and mechanical properties of TiAlN–WNx thin films
  66. Supertoughening in B1 transition metal nitride alloys by increased valence electron concentration
  67. Electronic mechanism for toughness enhancement inTixM