All Stories

  1. Congruence of female and male legislators with the preferences of women and men
  2. Is Science Able to Perform under Pressure?
  3. Trade agreements and subnational income of border regions
  4. Income and Terrorism: Insights From Subnational Data
  5. Heterogeneous Effects of Women's Schooling on Fertility, Literacy and Work: Evidence from Burundi's Free Primary Education Policy
  6. Competition, benchmarking, and electoral success: Evidence from 69 years of the German Bundestag
  7. How Large is the Beauty Premium in Politics?
  8. Is Temperature Adversely Related to Economic Development? Evidence on the Short-Run and the Long-Run Links from Sub-National Data
  9. Politikversagen und Lobbyismus
  10. Sanctions are Costly for Citizens but Beneficial for Autocrats: A Political-Economic Perspective
  11. Higher turnout increases incumbency advantages: Evidence from mayoral elections
  12. Coastal proximity and individual living standards: Econometric evidence from georeferenced household surveys in sub‐Saharan Africa
  13. Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
  14. National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
  15. Incentives dominate selection – Chamber-changing legislators are driven by electoral rules and voter preferences
  16. Politikversagen und Lobbyismus
  17. Mehrheitswahlen in Mehrpersonenwahlkreisen: Ein Schweizer Erfolgsrezept?
  18. A micro-based approach to evaluate the effect of water supply on health in Uganda
  19. Political competition and legislative shirking in roll-call votes: Evidence from Germany for 1953–2017
  20. Scientists have favorable opinions on immunity certificates but raise concerns regarding fairness and inequality
  21. Trust in government in times of crisis: A quasi-experiment during the two world wars✰
  22. How does globalization affect COVID-19 responses?
  23. More federal legislators lead to more resources for their constituencies: Evidence from exogenous differences in seat allocations
  24. Zur gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz von einmaligen Vermögensabgaben
  25. The link between regional temperature and regional incomes: econometric evidence with sub-national data
  26. Scientists’ opinion, attitudes, and consensus towards immunity passports
  27. Risk preference and child labor: Econometric evidence
  28. COVID-Zertifikate und Immunitätsprämien
  29. Evaluating Water- and Health-related Development Projects: A Cross-project and Micro-based Approach
  30. Risk attitudes and human mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic
  31. How confidence in health care systems affects mobility and compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic
  32. Die politische Ökonomik der Klimapolitik: So wird ein Land mit Kostenwahrheit zum Vorbild beim Klimaschutz
  33. Masculinity cues, perceptions of politician attributes, and political behavior*
  34. Mapping the theory of political representation to the empirics: An investigation for proportional and majoritarian rules
  35. Church Voting Recommendations, Voter Preferences, and Political Decisions
  36. Certified Coronavirus Immunity as a Resource and Strategy to Cope with Pandemic Costs
  37. Making Public Infrastructure Work: Multi-seat Majoritarian Elections as a new Institutional Approach
  38. Cursed by no coast: How regional landlockedness affects income within countries
  39. The influence of the cultural values independence and obedience on regional incomes: Econometric evidence
  40. Terror per Capita
  41. The Intimate Link Between Income Levels and Life Expectancy: Global Evidence from 213 Years*
  42. Media coverage and immigration worries: Econometric evidence
  43. David Stadelmann Recommends “Public Policy and the Initiative and Referendum: A Survey with Some New Evidence” by John G. Matsusaka
  44. Eroberung des Nutzlosen?
  45. Gender and corruption: The neglected role of culture
  46. Testing Proposals for a “Democracy of the Future”
  47. Military Service of Politicians, Public Policy, and Parliamentary Decisions
  48. The Effect of Food Price Changes on Child Labour: Evidence from Uganda
  49. Wie die EU eine große Zukunft haben könnte. Dezentralisierung und Integration im „Gemeinsamen Europäischen Politischen Raum“
  50. No place like home: Opinion formation with homophily and implications for policy decisions
  51. Testing the Median Voter Model and Moving Beyond its Limits: Do Personal Characteristics Explain Legislative Shirking?
  52. Voting on Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Citizens More Supportive than Politicians
  53. Zuwanderungsabgaben zum Erhalt des freien Personenverkehrs
  54. A Quasi-Natural Experiment on Electoral Rules and Political Representation
  55. Politicians Systematically Converge to the Median Voter
  56. Preference Representation and the Influence of Political Parties in Majoritarian vs. Proportional Systems: An Empirical Test
  57. Voting for direct democratic participation: evidence from an initiative election
  58. How Lobbying Affects Representation: Results for Majority-Elected Politicians
  59. Income and policy choices: Evidence from parliamentary decisions and referenda
  60. Military careers of politicians matter for national security policy
  61. The law of large districts: How district magnitude affects the quality of political representation
  62. Homeownership, Mobility, And Local Income Redistribution
  63. Politicians and Preferences of the Voter Majority: Does Gender Matter?
  64. Voting against the separation of powers between legislature and administration
  65. Capitalization of fiscal variables persists over time
  66. Full Transparency of Politicians' Actions Does Not Increase the Quality of Political Representation
  67. Bounded rationality and voting
  68. Public debts capitalize into property prices: empirical evidence for a new perspective on debt incidence
  69. Quantifying parliamentary representation of constituents’ preferences with quasi-experimental data
  70. Wage Effects of High-Skilled Migration: International Evidence
  71. District magnitude and representation of the majority’s preferences—a reply and new perspectives
  72. Does High‐skilled Migration Affect Publicly Financed Investments?
  73. A comparative analysis of the voting behavior of constituents and their representatives for public debts
  74. Evaluating the median voter model’s explanatory power
  75. Consequences of Debt Capitalization: Property Ownership and Debt versus Tax Choice
  76. Capitalisation of Fiscal Variables and Land Scarcity
  77. Does international mobility of high-skilled workers aggravate between-country inequality?
  78. District magnitude and representation of the majority’s preferences: Evidence from popular and parliamentary votes
  79. How Federalism Protects Future Generations from Today's Public Debts
  80. Which factors capitalize into house prices? A Bayesian averaging approach
  81. Effects of Fiscal Policies on House Prices
  82. Who Is The Best Formula 1 Driver? An Economic Approach to Evaluating Talent
  83. Wer ist der beste Formel 1 Fahrer? Eine ökonometrische Talentbewertung