All Stories

  1. The effects of family support and smartphone-derived homestay on daily mood and depression among sexual and gender minority adolescents.
  2. Probing the digital exposome: associations of social media use patterns with youth mental health
  3. Study Preregistration: Testing a Digital Suicide Risk Reduction Platform for Adolescents: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial
  4. Self‐referential processing in anorexia nervosa
  5. Neural sensitivity following stress predicts anhedonia symptoms: a 2-year multi-wave, longitudinal study
  6. Workplace experiences of LGBTQIA+ trainees, staff, and faculty in academic psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience departments
  7. Detecting adolescent depression through passive monitoring of linguistic markers in smartphone communication
  8. Mindfulness-based Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Optimize Dosing for Depressed Adolescents (Study Protocol)
  9. Testing the interpersonal theory of suicide in adolescents: A multi‐wave longitudinal study
  10. Neural Sensitivity following Stress Predicts Anhedonia Symptoms: A 2-Year Multi-wave, Longitudinal Study
  11. No Meta-analytic Evidence for Risks due to Prenatal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Animal Models
  12. Probing midbrain dopamine function in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder via neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging
  13. Reducing default mode network connectivity with mindfulness-based fMRI neurofeedback: a pilot study among adolescents with affective disorder history
  14. Rewiring neural circuits: Meditation based neurofeedback and its neuroplastic effects on the pathological brain
  15. Self-referential Processing in Remitted Depression: An Event-Related Potential Study
  16. Workplace Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Academics in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience
  17. Non-suicidal Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adolescent Inpatients
  18. Convergent neural correlates of prenatal exposure to air pollution and behavioral phenotypes of risk for internalizing and externalizing problems: Potential biological and cognitive pathways
  19. Subcortical shape in pediatric and adult obsessive‐compulsive disorder
  20. Noise complaint patterns in New York City from January 2010 through February 2021: Socioeconomic disparities and COVID-19 exacerbations
  21. Reliability of task‐evoked neural activation during face‐emotion paradigms: Effects of scanner and psychological processes
  22. Reward-Related Neural Circuitry in Depressed and Anxious Adolescents: A Human Connectome Project
  23. Anhedonia and Suicide
  24. Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients
  25. Prenatal exposure to air pollution is associated with childhood inhibitory control and adolescent academic achievement
  26. Prenatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure alters children’s cognitive control circuitry: A preliminary study
  27. Developmental pathways to social anxiety and irritability: The role of the ERN – CORRIGENDUM
  28. Timing‐specific associations between income‐to‐needs ratio and hippocampal and amygdala volumes in middle childhood: A preliminary study
  29. Altered fronto‐amygdalar functional connectivity predicts response to cognitive behavioral therapy in pediatric obsessive‐compulsive disorder
  30. Deliberative Choice Strategies in Youths: Relevance to Transdiagnostic Anxiety Symptoms
  31. A quality control pipeline for probabilistic reconstruction of white-matter pathways
  32. Frontoparietal and default mode network connectivity varies with age and intelligence
  33. Bivariate Latent-Change-Score Analysis of Peer Relations From Early Childhood to Adolescence: Leading or Lagging Indicators of Psychopathology
  34. Network-based functional connectivity predicts response to exposure therapy in unmedicated adults with obsessive–compulsive disorder
  35. Neural Correlates Associated With Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-injury in Youth
  36. Emotional distractors and attentional control in anxious youth: eye tracking and fMRI data
  37. Computational Modeling of Attentional Impairments in Disruptive Mood Dysregulation and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  38. Neighborhood Disadvantage Moderates the Association Between Age and Amygdala Resting State Functional Connectivity
  39. Prenatal Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Magnifies Effects of Early Life Stress on Hippocampal Subfield Volumes
  40. Baseline Resting State Functional Connectivity Predicts Treatment Response in Unmedicated Adults With OCD
  41. Functional and Structural Markers of CBT Response in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  42. Altered network connectivity predicts response to cognitive-behavioral therapy in pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder
  43. Spatial Network Connectivity and Spatial Reasoning Ability in Children with Nonverbal Learning Disability
  44. Prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modifies the effects of early life stress on attention and Thought Problems in late childhood
  45. Structural neural markers of response to cognitive behavioral therapy in pediatric obsessive‐compulsive disorder
  46. Developmental pathways to social anxiety and irritability: The role of the ERN
  47. Task-based fMRI predicts response and remission to exposure therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  48. Cross-species convergence in pupillary response: understanding human anxiety via non-human primate amygdala lesion
  49. Toward an Improved Understanding of Anhedonia
  50. Greater Response Interference to Pain Faces Under Low Perceptual Load Conditions in Adolescents With Impairing Pain: A Role for Poor Attention Control Mechanisms in Pain Disability?
  51. Neural correlates of cognitive control deficits in children with reading disorder
  52. Pathways to Motivational Impairments in Psychopathology: Common Versus Unique Elements Across Domains
  53. The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED): Informant Discrepancy, Measurement Invariance, and Test–Retest Reliability
  54. Salience network connectivity and social processing in children with nonverbal learning disability or autism spectrum disorder.
  55. Temporally sensitive neural measures of inhibition in preschool children across a spectrum of irritability
  56. Irritability Trajectories, Cortical Thickness, and Clinical Outcomes in a Sample Enriched for Preschool Depression
  57. T58. Attentional Control and Fronto-Parietal Connectivity in Pediatric OCD
  58. F69. Salience Network Connectivity in Children With Nonverbal Learning Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder
  59. Motivational Impairments in Psychotic and Depressive Pathology
  60. Behavioral and Neural Sustained Attention Deficits in Bipolar Disorder and Familial Risk of Bipolar Disorder
  61. Discriminant validity, diagnostic utility, and parent-child agreement on the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in treatment- and non-treatment-seeking youth
  62. Behavioral and Neural Sustained Attention Deficits in Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  63. 39. Temporally Sensitive Neural Measures of Inhibition in Preschool Children with Varying Irritability Symptoms
  64. Cortical Thickness and Subcortical Gray Matter Volume in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders
  65. Individual differences in hedonic capacity, depressed mood, and affective states predict emotional reactivity
  66. Consistency, Replication, and Meta-analyses of Altered Brain Activity in Unipolar Depression
  67. Dampening Positive Affect and Neural Reward Responding in Healthy Children: Implications for Affective Inflexibility
  68. Dampening, Positive Rumination, and Positive Life Events: Associations with Depressive Symptoms in Children at Risk for Depression
  69. Effect of Hippocampal and Amygdala Connectivity on the Relationship Between Preschool Poverty and School-Age Depression
  70. Reward Processing and Risk for Depression Across Development
  71. Functional connectivity of the amygdala and subgenual cingulate during cognitive reappraisal of emotions in children with MDD history is associated with rumination
  72. Depression Risk Predicts Blunted Neural Responses to Gains and Enhanced Responses to Losses in Healthy Children
  73. Do losses loom larger for children than adults?
  74. Revising the BIS/BAS Scale to study development: Measurement invariance and normative effects of age and sex from childhood through adulthood.
  75. Early Life Adversity and Risk for Depression
  76. Amygdala functional connectivity, HPA axis genetic variation, and life stress in children and relations to anxiety and emotion regulation.
  77. Shared Predisposition in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Subcortical Brain Structure
  78. Neural Activation During Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Previously Depressed Compared to Healthy Children: Evidence of Specific Alterations
  79. Child Gain Approach and Loss Avoidance Behavior: Relationships With Depression Risk, Negative Mood, and Anhedonia
  80. Genetic Moderation of Stress Effects on Corticolimbic Circuitry
  81. HPA axis genetic variation, pubertal status, and sex interact to predict amygdala and hippocampus responses to negative emotional faces in school-age children
  82. Mechanisms Underlying Motivational Deficits in Psychopathology: Similarities and Differences in Depression and Schizophrenia
  83. Brain–behavior relationships in the experience and regulation of negative emotion in healthy children: Implications for risk for childhood depression
  84. Altered Gray Matter Volume and School Age Anxiety in Children Born Late Preterm
  85. Ventral Striatum and the Evaluation of Memory Retrieval Strategies
  86. Neural activation associated with the cognitive emotion regulation of sadness in healthy children
  87. Stress-System Genes and Life Stress Predict Cortisol Levels and Amygdala and Hippocampal Volumes in Children
  88. Functional brain activation to emotional and nonemotional faces in healthy children: Evidence for developmentally undifferentiated amygdala function during the school-age period
  89. Anomalous functional brain activation following negative mood induction in children with pre-school onset major depression