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  1. Why its a problem that political elites engage with politics like they're fans of it
  2. How professional wrestling helps understand politics and Donald Trump
  3. What explains the electoral collapse of Scottish Labour and what can the party do to reverse it?
  4. What factors underpin the media hostility to the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn?
  5. What impact has devolution had upon abortion law in the UK?
  6. Comparing the political campaigns of Jesse Ventura and Donald Trump
  7. The struggle to determine what powers the Welsh Government has and should have
  8. Red Dragon FM: Carwyn Jones’s ‘Welsh Labour Rhetoric’
  9. Conclusion: Oratory and Rhetoric in Democratic Party Politics
  10. The Oratory of John Edwards
  11. What were the arguments within Welsh Labour over entering coalition with Plaid Cymru in 2007?
  12. Why did the North East reject devolution in 2004?
  13. Rhetoric and Devolution — Time and Space in Welsh Labour Rhetoric
  14. What is gained by reading Cornelius Castoriadis alongside Slavoj Žižek?
  15. Developing a post-structuralist approach to institutional analysis
  16. How Welsh Labour rhetorically justified divergence from New Labour
  17. Why Government ministers find it difficult to decentralise power
  18. How can we study political parties that operate across multiple layers of the state?