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  1. Architecture and morphodynamics of subcritical sediment waves in an ancient channel-lobe transition zone
  2. Exhumed lateral margins and increasing flow confinement of a submarine landslide complex
  3. Shelf-margin clinothem progradation, degradation and readjustment: Tanqua depocentre, Karoo Basin (South Africa)
  4. The Quaternary geology of the North Sea basin
  5. An integrated model of clastic injectites and basin floor lobe complexes: implications for stratigraphic trap plays
  6. Turbidite stacking patterns in salt-controlled minibasins: Insights from integrated analogue models and numerical fluid flow simulations
  7. Aggradational lobe fringes: The influence of subtle intrabasinal seabed topography on sediment gravity flow processes and lobe stacking patterns
  8. Integrating outcrop and subsurface data to assess the temporal evolution of a submarine channel–levee system
  9. Palinspastic restoration of an exhumed deepwater system: A workflow to improve paleogeographic reconstructions
  10. Constraining the sedimentology and stratigraphy of submarine intraslope lobe deposits using exhumed examples from the Karoo Basin, South Africa
  11. U-PB zircon tuff geochronology from the Karoo Basin, South Africa: implications of zircon recycling on stratigraphic age controls
  12. Origin, evolution and anatomy of silt‐prone submarine external levées
  13. Geochemical Correlation In An Exhumed Submarine Channel Complex (Tabernas Basin, Se Spain): Comparison To Sedimentological Correlation At Various Length Scales
  14. Confined to unconfined: Anatomy of a base of slope succession, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  15. Architecture of a channel complex formed and filled during long-term degradation and entrenchment on the upper submarine slope, Unit F, Fort Brown Fm., SW Karoo Basin, South Africa
  16. Wave groups and sediment resuspension processes over evolving sandy bedforms
  17. Pre-requisites, processes, and prediction of chlorite grain coatings in petroleum reservoirs: A review of subsurface examples
  18. Assessing controls on the distribution of ichnotaxa in submarine fan environments, the Basque Basin, Northern Spain
  19. Origin and terminal architecture of a submarine slide: a case study from the Permian Vischkuil Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  20. Spatial and Temporal Evolution of a Permian Submarine Slope Channel-Levee System, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  21. Distribution of soft-sediment deformation structures in clinoform successions of the Permian Ecca Group, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  22. Sedimentological criteria to differentiate submarine channel levee subenvironments: Exhumed examples from the Rosario Fm. (Upper Cretaceous) of Baja California, Mexico, and the Fort Brown Fm. (Permian), Karoo Basin, S. Africa
  23. Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Karoo basin floor to shelf edge succession, Laingsburg depocentre, South Africa
  24. Capturing stratigraphic and sedimentological complexity from submarine channel complex outcrops to digital 3D models, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  25. Reply on ‘Sequence stratigraphy of an argillaceous, deepwater basin plain succession: Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South Africa’ from van der Merwe, Flint and Hodgson (Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2010, 27, 321–333)
  26. U-Pb zircon ages from the southwestern Karoo Basin, South Africa--Implications for the Permian-Triassic boundary: REPLY
  27. Sequence stratigraphy of an argillaceous, deepwater basin-plain succession: Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South Africa
  28. Depositional Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of an Exhumed Permian Mudstone-Dominated Submarine Slope Succession, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  29. Distribution and origin of hybrid beds in sand-rich submarine fans of the Tanqua depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  30. Evolution, architecture and hierarchy of distributary deep-water deposits: a high-resolution outcrop investigation from the Permian Karoo Basin, South Africa
  31. Stratigraphic evolution of the upper slope and shelf edge in the Karoo Basin, South Africa
  32. Aseismic controls on in situ soft-sediment deformation processes and products in submarine slope deposits of the Karoo Basin, South Africa
  33. Widespread syn-sedimentary deformation on a muddy deep-water basin-floor: the Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South Africa
  34. U-Pb zircon ages from the southwestern Karoo Basin, South Africa--Implications for the Permian-Triassic boundary
  35. Development of Subaqueous Fold Belts as a Control on the Timing and Distribution of Deepwater Sedimentation: An Example from the Southwest Karoo Basin, South Africa
  36. Age Controls on the Tanqua and Laingsburg Deep-Water Systems: New Insights on the Evolution and Sedimentary Fill of the Karoo Basin, South Africa
  37. Contribution of research borehole data to modelling fine-grained turbidite reservoir analogues, Permian Tanqua-Karoo basin-floor fans (South Africa)
  38. Stratigraphic Evolution of Fine-Grained Submarine Fan Systems, Tanqua Depocenter, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  39. Application of multipoint geostatistics to honor multiple attribute constraints applied to a deepwater outcrop analog, Tanqua Karoo Basin, South Africa
  40. Architecture and stratigraphic evolution of multiple, vertically-stacked slope channel complexes, Tanqua depocentre, Karoo Basin, South Africa
  41. Provenance evolution and chemostratigraphy of a Palaeozoic submarine fan-complex: Tanqua Karoo Basin, South Africa
  42. Three-dimensional geological models from outcrop data using digital data collection techniques: an example from the Tanqua Karoo depocentre, South Africa
  43. Impact of syndepositional faulting on gravity current behaviour and deep-water stratigraphy: Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
  44. A New Type of Bedform Produced by Backfilling Processes in a Submarine Channel, Late Miocene, Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain