All Stories

  1. Effect of biosurfactant as a novel draw solution on photocatalytic treatment and desalination of produced water by different forward osmosis membranes
  2. Cement-Organobentonite Admixtures for Stabilization/Solidification of PAH-Contaminated Soil: A Laboratory Study
  3. Long-term Caspian Sea level variations based on the ERA-interim model and rivers discharge
  4. Isolation and characterization of a novel native Bacillus strain capable of degrading diesel fuel
  5. Improving bioelectricity generation and COD removal of sewage sludge in microbial desalination cell
  6. Remediation of PCE contaminated clay soil by coupling electrokinetics with zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier
  7. Effects of recycled paperboard mill wastes on the properties of non-load-bearing concrete
  8. Laboratory investigation of the effect of crumb rubber on the characteristics and rheological behaviour of asphalt binder
  9. Electrokinetic remediation of perchloroethylene-contaminated soil
  10. The Use of Nano Zero Valent Iron in Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
  11. Remediation of Tetrachloroethylene -Contaminated Soil with Zero Valent Iron Utilizing Electrokinetic Reactors
  12. An investigation on correlation between traffic and climate variables with the amount of SO2 and NO2 pollutants and estimation of their emission using regression modelling analysis method (case study: Mazandaran - ...
  13. Isolation and characterization of a novel native Bacillus strain capable of degrading diesel fuel