All Stories

  1. Towards Developing a Guide to Choosing National High-Performance Computing Resources
  2. Scaling Up: Growth of the Indy Student Cluster Competition
  3. IndySCC: A New Student Cluster Competition That Broadens Participation
  4. Parametric Wingbox Structural Weight Estimation of the CRM, PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Concepts
  5. Application of Set-Based Design Principles on Multi-Level Aircraft Design Space Exploration
  6. Vertical Tail Sizing and Power Split Optimization for the PEGASUS Concept Considering Certification Requirements
  7. Evaluation of Off-Nominal Performance and Reliability of a Distributed Electric Propulsion Aircraft during Early Design
  8. Dynamic Environment for Loads Prediction and Handling Investigation (DELPHI)
  9. A Certification-Driven Platform for Multidisciplinary Design Space Exploration in Airframe Early Preliminary Design
  10. Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle Maneuvers for Loads Analysis
  11. Conceptual Level Optimization of a Fan Stage Under Distortion Considering Aero-structural Constraints
  12. Beam Theory for Asymptotic Analysis of Aperiodic and Inhomogeneous Structures
  13. Estimating Jig Shape for an Aircraft Wing Determined Through Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with Rigid Body Assumptions
  14. Framework to Assess Effects of Structural Flexibility on Dynamic Loads Developed in Maneuvering Aircraft
  15. A Simulation-Based Framework for Structural Loads Assessment during Dynamic Maneuvers
  16. A Single Digital Thread Approach to Aircraft Detailed Design
  17. Requirements Analysis for Design Optimization of Aerobatic Aircraft