All Stories

  1. Poldw: a Python code to denoise 3C seismic data with a new threshold-free polarization technique
  2. Borehole-driven sparse-spike deconvolution and seismic bandwidth enhancement
  3. Seismic data summarization with content-aware resizing
  4. Data-driven edge detectors for seismic data interpretation
  5. Microseismic denoising assessment by polarization histograms
  6. Simulated annealing velocity analysis: automating the picking process
  7. Footprint removal from seismic data with residual dictionary learning
  8. Automatic well tying and wavelet phase estimation with no waveform stretching or squeezing
  9. Noise suppression in 2D and 3D seismic data with data-driven sifting algorithms
  10. Spectral structure-oriented filtering of seismic data with self-adaptive paths
  11. Structured Noise Removal with Dictionary Learning in Seismic Data: The Effect of Atom Filtering
  12. Simultaneous automatic well-to-seismic tie and wavelet phase estimation
  13. A simple energy-based strategy for sensor orientation in borehole microseismic monitoring
  14. Edge-preserving frequency-offset denoising of seismic data
  15. Calibrating anisotropic-velocity models using VFSA: Application to Vaca Muerta Formation
  16. Microseismic event location using global optimization algorithms: An integrated and automated workflow
  17. Differential evolution for microseismic event location
  18. Microseismic moment magnitude estimation: An optimization problem in the frequency domain
  19. Seismic wavelet phase estimation by 11 norm minimization
  20. Structure-oriented edge-preserving smoothing in the frequency domain: Application to enhance 3D seismic data volumes
  21. Three‐term inversion of prestack seismic data using a weighted l2, 1 mixed norm
  22. A simple method inspired by empirical mode decomposition for denoising seismic data
  23. An edge-preserving frequency-offset algorithm for seismic data denoising
  24. Fast and automatic microseismic phase-arrival detection and denoising by pattern recognition and reduced-rank filtering
  25. A fast empirical mode decomposition for noise attenuation of seismic data
  26. Radon transform-based microseismic event detection and signal-to-noise ratio enhancement
  27. Very fast simulated annealing and particle swarm optimization for microseismic event location
  28. Blocky inversion of prestack seismic data using mixed-norms
  29. Wave attenuation in partially saturated porous rocks — New observations and interpretations across scales
  30. A robust method for microseismic event detection based on automatic phase pickers
  31. High-resolution prestack seismic inversion using a hybrid FISTA least-squares strategy
  32. Microseismic data denoising via an apex-shifted hyperbolic Radon transform
  33. Estimating sparse-spike attributes from AVA data using a fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm and least squares
  34. An automatic method for microseismic events detection based on earthquake phase pickers
  35. Permeability effects on the seismic response of gas reservoirs
  36. Seismic characterization of thin beds containing patchy carbon dioxide-brine distributions: A study based on numerical simulations
  37. Numerical analysis of wave-induced fluid flow effects on seismic data: Application to monitoring of CO2storage at the Sleipner field
  38. Sparse‐spike AVO/AVA attributes from prestack data
  39. Quantitative characterization of CO2‐bearing thin layers at the Sleipner field using spectral inversion
  40. Automatic first-breaks picking: New strategies and algorithms
  41. Thin-bed prestack spectral inversion
  42. Stochastic sparse-spike deconvolution
  43. Statistical Segmentation of Geophysical Log Data
  44. Comment on ‘Non‐minimum‐phase wavelet estimation using second‐and third‐order moments’ by Wenkai Lu
  45. Parametric sparse‐spike deconvolution and the recovery of the acoustic impedance
  46. Estimating the distribution of primary reflection coefficients
  47. Traveltime inversion for 2‐D anomaly structures
  48. Simulated annealing ray tracing in complex three-dimensional media
  49. L-moments and C-moments
  50. Simulated annealing two‐point ray tracing