All Stories

  1. A Novel APOC2 Missense Mutation Causing Apolipoprotein C-II Deficiency With Severe Triglyceridemia and Pancreatitis
  2. The Role of Emerging Biomarkers in Unraveling the Complex Biology Underlying Associations between HDL Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Diseases
  3. Improving cardiovascular outcomes by intensifying low density lipoprotein lowering therapy in high-risk patients
  4. Likelihood Inferences on Semiparametric Odds Ratio Model
  5. Spotlight on HDL biology: new insights in metabolism, function, and translation
  6. Relation of Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins with Progression of CKD: The CRIC Study
  7. Approach to the Patient with Extremely Low HDL-Cholesterol