All Stories

  1. Tympanic Pre-Operative Electrically Evoked Auditory Late Response (TympEALR) as an Alternative to Trans-Tympanic Tests Using Anesthesia in Cochlear Implant Candidacy
  2. Hearing impairment amongst people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Germany
  3. Perilymphatic fistula and cochlear implantation
  4. Clinical results of a totally implantable Cochlear Implant
  5. Der Einfluss von Cochlea-Implantationen bei älteren Menschen mit und ohne kognitive Beeinträchtigung
  6. First experience with a new 34-mm-long cochlear implant array for very long cochleae
  7. Finding the optimal electrode array before cochlear implantation based on CT or MRI
  8. Auswahl der optimalen Elektrode bei Cochlea-Implantat-Kandidaten anhand von CT- oder MRT-Bildern
  9. Cochlear implantation in the elderly using preoperative screening for mild cognitive impairment
  10. Contribution of hearing loss to quality-of-life impairment in Menière patients
  11. Hörverlust und Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Morbus Menière
  12. Current Trends and Developments in Cochlear Implantation
  13. A patient with cochlear implant and implanted trigeminal nerve stimulator
  14. A patient with cochlear implant and implanted trigeminal nerve stimulator
  15. An objective promontory stimulation test using electrical auditory brainstem response preoperatively
  16. EABR was performed pre-operatively in local and intra-operatively in general anesthesia.
  17. The indication for stapes revision surgery and possible strategies are shown.
  18. Revisionseingriff nach Stapesplastik
  19. Hearing and voice are influencing each other. Patients with cochlear implants were investigated.
  20. Before cochlear implantation, insecure candidates were tested by EABR in local anesthesia.
  21. Preoperative electrically evoked auditory brainstem and cortical potential during local anesthesia
  22. Diagnosis of Menière’s disease
  23. Sprachverstehen und Hörqualität mit verschiedenen Sprachprozessoren nach CI Versorgung
  24. Hearing thesholds by ABR vs ASSR in children with cochlear malformation / nerve hypoplasia
  25. Variations in cochlear anatomy analyzed by a new tablet-based software
  26. Variations in cochlear anatomy of patients who underwent cochlear implantation
  27. Variationen der Anatomie der Cochlea bei Patienten nach Versorgung mit einem Cochleaimplantat
  28. Stapes and Stapes Revision Surgery
  29. ABR vs ASSR for estimating hearing in children with high hearing loss
  30. Recommendations for AEP, OAE and impedance audiometry
  31. ADANO-Empfehlungen für AEP, OAE and Impedanz in der Audiometrie
  32. A preoperative eABR in local anesthesia for insecure CI candidacy
  33. Sprachproduktion und Sprachperzeption bei erwachsenen Cochlea Implantat-Trägern
  34. speech intelligibility vs speech perception in cochlear implant patients
  35. Threshold changes of ABR results in toddlers and children
  36. How well can CI users understand speech in different situations
  37. Consensus on Testing in Single-Sided Deafness Studies
  38. Contents Vol. 21, 2016
  39. Monitoring of Therapeutic Progress by COMES®