All Stories

  1. Bile Microbiome Signatures Associated with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Compared to Benign Disease: A UK Pilot Study
  2. Cancer cell-derived extracellular vesicles activate hepatic stellate cells in colorectal cancer
  3. Graphene Sensor Arrays for Rapid and Accurate Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Exosomes in Patients’ Blood Plasma Samples
  4. The Clinical Significance of Transfer RNAs Present in Extracellular Vesicles
  5. Plasma extracellular vesicles contain unannotated small RNA clusters suitable as biomarkers for detecting early hepatocellular carcinoma
  6. 543P Neoadjuvant MRx0518 treatment is associated with significant gene and metagene signature changes in solid tumours
  7. Gene of the month: lymphocyte-activation gene 3 (LAG-3)
  8. Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Identification of Novel Metabolic Circuits of Potential Diagnostic Utility
  9. The Role of Circular RNAs in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Biliary-Tract Cancers
  10. “Open Sesame?”: Biomarker Status of the Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter-1 and Molecular Mechanisms Influencing its Expression and Activity in the Uptake and Cytotoxicity of Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Cancer
  11. Size-Exclusion Chromatography as a Technique for the Investigation of Novel Extracellular Vesicles in Cancer
  12. Crizotinib sensitizes the erlotinib resistant HCC827GR5 cell line by influencing lysosomal function
  13. Can circulating tumor and exosomal nucleic acids act as biomarkers for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma?
  14. Pharmacogenetics of treatments for pancreatic cancer
  15. The mystery of the thymus gland
  16. 1040 Is Difficulty Feeding An Indication for Frenulotomy in Patients with Ankyloglossia?
  17. 886 Routine Male Circumcision in the Young: Is it Time to Reconsider the Benefits?