All Stories

  1. Unifying approaches to understanding capacity in change detection.
  2. Evidence for a Mixture of Serial and Parallel Processing for Composite Morphed Faces
  3. Composite Schematic Faces are Processed Analytically
  4. Test cricketers score quickly during the ‘nervous nineties’: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design
  5. Measuring the perception and metacognition of time
  6. Novelty rejection in episodic memory.
  7. Modular Serial-Parallel Network for Hierarchical Facial Representations
  8. Supplemental Material for Novelty Rejection in Episodic Memory
  9. Further tests of sequence-sensitive models in a modified garner task using separable dimensions.
  10. Function Estimation: Individual Differences in Quantitative Inference
  11. COVID-19, national culture, and privacy calculus: factors predicting the cross-cultural acceptance and uptake of contact-tracing technologies
  12. Papers Please - Predictive Factors of National and International Attitudes Toward Immunity and Vaccination Passports: Online Representative Surveys
  13. Extending systems factorial technology to errored responses.
  14. Comparing constellations across cultures
  15. Perceptual Grouping Explains Similarities in Constellations Across Cultures
  16. Wheel of Fortune: a Cross-cultural Examination of How Expertise Shapes the Mental Representations of Familiar and Unfamiliar Numerals
  17. Characterizing the time course of decision-making in change detection.
  18. A negative relationship between workload capacity of semantic search and convergent thinking
  19. Wheel of fortune: A cross-cultural examination of how expertise shapes the mental representations of familiar and unfamiliar numerals
  20. Papers Please - Predictive Factors of National and International Attitudes Toward Immunity and Vaccination Passports: Online Representative Surveys (Preprint)
  21. Papers please: Predictive factors for the uptake of national and international COVID-19 immunity and vaccination passports
  22. There’s a time and a face: The time course of composite face processing.
  23. Characterizing the time course of decision-making in change detection
  24. The acceptability and uptake of smartphone tracking for COVID-19 in Australia
  25. Why the absence of a stimulus is still information.
  26. The acceptability and uptake of smartphone tracking for COVID-19 in Australia
  27. There's a Time and a Face: The Time Course of Composite Face Processing
  28. Public acceptance of Privacy-Encroaching Policies to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom
  29. Extending Systems Factorial Technology to errored responses
  30. Further tests of sequence-sensitive models in a modified Garner task using separable dimensions
  31. Commentary: Moment of (Perceived) Truth: Exploring Accuracy of Aha! Experiences
  32. Systems Factorial Technology analysis of mixtures of processing architectures
  33. Editorial on developments in systems factorial technology: Theory and applications
  34. The cost of errors: confusion analysis and the mental representation of familiar and unfamiliar digits
  35. Nice Guys Check Twice
  36. Evidence that within-dimension features are generally processed coactively
  37. Novelty rejection in episodic memory
  38. “Aha!” is stronger when preceded by a “huh?”: presentation of a solution affects ratings of aha experience conditional on accuracy
  39. Little & Smith BBS Commentary - Replication is already mainstream
  40. Composite faces are not (necessarily) processed coactively: A test using systems factorial technology and logical-rule models.
  41. Small is beautiful: In defense of the small-N design
  42. Metastudies for robust tests of theory
  43. An examination of parallel versus coactive processing accounts of redundant-target audiovisual signal processing
  44. Replication is already mainstream: Lessons from small-N designs
  45. Once more with feeling: Normative data for the aha experience in insight and noninsight problems
  46. Meta-studies for robust tests of theory
  47. Systems Factorial Technology provides new insights on the other-race effect
  48. The contributions of convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and schizotypy to solving insight and non-insight problems
  49. Set size slope still does not distinguish parallel from serial search
  50. Global Cue Inconsistency Diminishes Learning of Cue Validity
  51. Insight Is Not in the Problem: Investigating Insight in Problem Solving across Task Types
  52. The processing architectures of whole-object features: A logical-rules approach.
  53. Sequence-sensitive exemplar and decision-bound accounts of speeded-classification performance in a modified Garner-tasks paradigm
  54. Statistical analyses of the resilience function
  55. Selective attention modulates the effect of target location probability on redundant signal processing
  56. The appropriacy of averaging in the study of context effects
  57. Understanding the influence of distractors on workload capacity
  58. Searching for the highest number
  59. The influence of cueing on attentional focus in perceptual decision making
  60. Working memory capacity and fluid abilities: the more difficult the item, the more more is better
  61. Assessing the speed-accuracy trade-off effect on the capacity of information processing.
  62. The Categorisation of Non-Categorical Colours: A Novel Paradigm in Colour Perception
  63. Logical rules and the classification of integral-dimension stimuli.
  64. Hemifield Effects in Multiple Identity Tracking
  65. Can Attention Be Confined to Just Part of a Moving Object? Revisiting Target-Distractor Merging in Multiple Object Tracking
  66. Fluency Profiling System: An automated system for analyzing the temporal properties of speech
  67. Numerical predictions for serial, parallel, and coactive logical rule-based models of categorization response time
  68. Activation in the neural network responsible for categorization and recognition reflects parameter changes
  69. Bayesian computation and mechanism: Theoretical pluralism drives scientific emergence
  70. Error discounting in probabilistic category learning.
  71. Response-time tests of logical-rule models of categorization.
  72. Short-term memory scanning viewed as exemplar-based categorization.
  73. Classification response times in probabilistic rule-based category structures: Contrasting exemplar-retrieval and decision-boundary models
  74. Logical-rule models of classification response times: A synthesis of mental-architecture, random-walk, and decision-bound approaches.
  75. Better learning with more error: Probabilistic feedback increases sensitivity to correlated cues in categorization.
  76. Beyond nonutilization: Irrelevant cues can gate learning in probabilistic categorization.
  77. Knowledge and Expertise