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  1. Alcohol consumption and incidence of pancreatic cancer
  2. Grunnleggende lærebok i biostatistikk og epidemiologi
  3. Association between espresso coffee and serum total cholesterol: the Tromsø Study 2015–2016
  4. Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Uptake of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
  5. Coffee consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and total mortality: Does the brewing method matter?
  6. Alcohol and heart health: The need for a randomized controlled trial
  7. Low levels of antibodies for the oral bacterium Tannerella forsythia predict cardiovascular disease mortality in men with myocardial infarction: A prospective cohort study
  8. Er alkohol sunt for hjertet?
  9. EKG over lang tid
  10. Oral health and cardiovascular disease risk factors and mortality of cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral infarction and unspecified stroke in elderly men: A prospective cohort study
  11. Middelhavskostens velsignelser?
  12. Coffee and wine consumption is associated with reduced mortality from alcoholic liver disease: follow-up of 219,279 Norwegian men and women aged 30–67 years
  13. Low fasting serum insulin and dementia in nondiabetic women followed for 34 years
  14. Coffee, caffeine and atrial fibrillation
  15. The ambiguity of physical activity, exercise and atrial fibrillation
  16. Causal Effect of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 on Coronary Heart Disease
  17. Consumption of alcohol and cardiovascular disease mortality: a 16 year follow-up of 115,592 Norwegian men and women aged 40–44 years
  18. Data on gender contrasts in the risk of incident myocardial infarction by age. The Tromsø Study 1979–2012
  19. Risk of incident myocardial infarction by gender: Interactions with serum lipids, blood pressure and smoking. The Tromsø Study 1979–2012
  20. Cohort Profile: The INTERGENE Study
  21. Lifelong Gender Gap in Risk of Incident Myocardial Infarction
  22. The Tromsø study 1974–2016: 40 years of cardiovascular research
  23. Comments on Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Mortality
  24. Physical activity, resting heart rate, and atrial fibrillation: the Tromsø Study
  25. Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function
  26. Trends in Modifiable Risk Factors Are Associated With Declining Incidence of Hospitalized and Nonhospitalized Acute Coronary Heart Disease in a Population
  27. Utdatert kunnskapsgrunnlag for betablokkere etter hjerteinfarkt?
  28. The “Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale” and its application to health research
  29. The golden years of Norwegian epidemiology
  30. Genetic variation at the human connexin 43 locus but not at the connexin 40 locus is associated with left bundle branch block
  31. The Distribution of Apolipoprotein E Genotype Over The Adult Lifespan and in Relation to Country of Birth
  32. Epidemiology
  33. CETP TaqIB genotype modifies the association between alcohol and coronary heart disease: The INTERGENE case-control study
  34. Effect of Years of Endurance Exercise on Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
  35. Validity and selection
  36. Genetic association study of QT interval highlights role for calcium signaling pathways in myocardial repolarization
  37. Re: Fysisk aktivitet, røyking og dødelighet hos menn som deltok i Oslo-undersøkelsene i 1972 og 2000
  38. Endelig et norsk hjerteinfarktregister
  39. Increased risk of atrial fibrillation among elderly N orwegian men with a history of long‐term endurance sport practice
  40. The association between plasma homocysteine and coronary heart disease is modified by the MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism
  41. Resting heart rate and physical activity as risk factors for lone atrial fibrillation: a prospective study of 309 540 men and women
  42. Are observational data on therapeutic outcome trustworthy?
  43. Self-reported leisure time physical activity: a useful assessment tool in everyday health care
  44. High incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus in Norway
  45. Comparison of Apolipoprotein (apoB/apoA-I) and Lipoprotein (Total Cholesterol/HDL) Ratio Determinants. Focus on Obesity, Diet and Alcohol Intake
  46. Is the use of cholesterol in mortality risk algorithms in clinical guidelines valid? Ten years prospective data from the Norwegian HUNT 2 study
  47. The association between lung function and fatal stroke in a community followed for 4 decades
  48. Trends in life expectancy by education in Norway 1961–2009
  49. Interaction of apolipoprotein E genotype with smoking and physical inactivity on coronary heart disease risk in men and women
  50. Is the use of cholesterol in mortality risk algorithms in clinical guidelines valid? Ten years prospective data from the Norwegian HUNT 2 study
  51. Atrieflimmer, fysisk aktivitet og utholdenhetstrening
  52. Ageing, physical activity and mortality—a 42-year follow-up study
  53. Blood Pressure Loci Identified with a Gene-Centric Array
  54. Controlling for High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Does Not Affect the Magnitude of the Relationship Between Alcohol and Coronary Heart Disease
  55. Case fatality of acute myocardial infarction: an emerging gender gap
  56. Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma
  57. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk
  58. The "smoker's paradox" in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a systematic review
  59. Age and gender differences in incidence and case fatality trends for myocardial infarction: a 30-year follow-up. The Tromsø Study
  60. Decreased Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Obese Subjects With Asthma Symptoms
  61. Lipid Profile and Its Association with Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease in the Highlanders of Lhasa, Tibet
  62. The Ghrelin Signalling System Is Involved in the Consumption of Sweets
  63. Association of genetic variation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure among African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource study
  64. Midlife homocysteine and late-life dementia in women. A prospective population study
  65. Expression of the selenoprotein S (SELS) gene in subcutaneous adipose tissue and SELS genotype are associated with metabolic risk factors
  66. Diagnostic validity of fatal cerebral strokes and coronary deaths in mortality statistics: an autopsy study
  67. Apolipoprotein C-I genotype and serum levels of triglycerides, C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease
  68. Preliminary report: Zn-alpha2-glycoprotein genotype and serum levels are associated with serum lipids
  69. The cortisol awakening response and the metabolic syndrome in a population-based sample of middle-aged men and women
  70. Genetic Variation of the Ghrelin Signaling System in Females With Severe Alcohol Dependence
  71. Are mid-pregnancy androgen levels negatively associated with breastfeeding?
  72. Obesity in Tibetans Aged 30–70 Living at Different Altitudes under the North and South Faces of Mt. Everest
  73. Increased Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Predicts New-Onset Wheeze in a General Population
  74. Selection bias in a population survey with registry linkage: potential effect on socioeconomic gradient in cardiovascular risk
  75. CRP-nivå som risikomarkør for hjerte- og karsykdom?
  76. Allele-specific regulation of MTTP expression influences the risk of ischemic heart disease
  77. The dynamics of cardiovascular epidemiology
  78. Contributions of food categories to absolute nutrient intake and between-person variation within a representative sample of 2677 Norwegian men and women
  79. Trenger vi epidemiologi?
  80. Dødelighet av alle årsaker i regioner og bydeler i Oslo: Sammenlikning med utvalgte europeiske land
  81. Miscellaneous / Diverse
  82. Increased mortality in the slim elderly: a 42 years follow-up study in a general population
  83. Dopamine D2 Receptor Genotype Is Associated with Increased Mortality at a 10-Year Follow-up of Alcohol-Dependent Individuals
  84. Expression of chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 18 in human macrophages and atherosclerotic plaques
  85. The Tromsø Heart Study: Is Coffee Drinking an Indicator of a Life Style with High Risk for Ischemic Heart Disease?
  86. Distribution of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol According to Relative Body Weight, Cigarette Smoking and Leisure Time Physical Activity
  87. Family Study of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and the Relation to Age and Sex
  88. The Tromsø Heart Study: The Consequences of Blood Pressure Screening in Men Aged 20-49 Years
  89. The Tromsø Heart Study
  90. The Tromsø Heart Study
  92. Eating patterns and portion size associated with obesity in a Swedish population
  94. Kvalitetssikring eller forskning?
  95. STROBE and STREGA: instruments for improving transparency and quality of reporting scientific results
  96. Food patterns and cardiovascular disease risk factors: The Swedish INTERGENE research program
  97. Homocysteine Levels and Lacunar Brain Infarcts in Elderly Women: The Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg
  98. Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Independently Predicts Fatal and Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction and Stroke in Women
  99. Serum lipids, blood pressure and body weight around the age of the menopause
  100. The causal role of blood lipids in the aetiology of coronary heart disease – an epidemiologist's perspective
  101. Intake of dairy fat and dairy products, and risk of myocardial infarction: A case–control study
  102. Association of complement factor H Y402H gene polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease
  103. Dietary patterns, food groups and myocardial infarction: a case–control study
  104. Assessment of physical activity and energy expenditure in epidemiological studies
  105. Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Determinants of the Metabolic Syndrome in Screened Subjects at Risk for Coronary Heart Disease
  106. Are manual workers at higher risk of death than non-manual employees when living in Swedish municipalities with higher income inequality?
  107. Height, Age, and Atopy Are Associated With Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in a Large Adult General Population Sample
  108. Uma avaliação do rastreômetro, um novo equipamento para triagem populacional da pressão arterial elevada, em países em desenvolvimento
  110. Income distribution and mortality: Implications from a comparison of individual-level analysis and multilevel analysis with Swedish data
  111. Obesity and overweight in relation to socioeconomic status
  112. Use of oral contraceptives and mortality during 14 years' follow-up of Norwegian women
  113. Intake of milk fat, reflected in adipose tissue fatty acids and risk of myocardial infarction: a case–control study
  114. Regulation and splicing of scavenger receptor class B type I in human macrophages and atherosclerotic plaques
  115. Usefulness of Atrial Size Inequality as an Indicator of Abnormal Left Ventricular Filling
  116. Four indicators of socioeconomic position: relative ranking across causes of death
  117. Trends in overweight and obesity from 1985 to 2002 in Göteborg, West Sweden
  118. Trends in blood lipid levels, blood pressure, alcohol and smoking habits from 1985 to 2002: results from INTERGENE and GOT-MONICA
  119. Social class, gender and psychosocial predictors for early sexual debut among 16 year olds in Oslo
  120. Coffee and disease: an overview with main emphasis on blood lipids and homocysteine
  121. Hormone therapy and mortality during a 14-year follow-up of 14 324 Norwegian women
  122. Symptom-limited exercise testing, ST depressions and long-term coronary heart disease mortality in apparently healthy middle-aged men
  123. Cumulative deprivation and cause specific mortality. A census based study of life course influences over three decades
  124. Exercise testing of healthy men in a new perspective: from diagnosis to prognosis
  125. Possible angina detected by the WHO angina questionnaire in apparently healthy men with a normal exercise ECG: coronary heart disease or not? A 26 year follow up study
  126. The Oslo Health Study: The impact of self-selection in a large, population-based survey
  127. Timing of regional left ventricular lengthening by pulsed tissue Doppler
  128. Serum Homocysteine in Relation to Mortality and Morbidity From Coronary Heart Disease
  129. Coffee and incidence of diabetes in Swedish women: a prospective 18-year follow-up study
  130. Folic acid supplement decreases the homocysteine increasing effect of filtered coffee. A randomised placebo-controlled study
  131. Promoting physical activity in a multi-ethnic district - methods and baseline results of a pseudo-experimental intervention study
  132. Filtered coffee raises serum cholesterol: results from a controlled study
  133. Changing sex ratio in acute coronary heart disease: data from Swedish national registers 1984-99
  134. Impact of childhood and adulthood socioeconomic position on cause specific mortality: the Oslo Mortality Study
  135. The validity of self-reported leisure time physical activity, and its relationship to serum cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index. A population based study of 332,182 men and women aged 40–42 years
  136. The problem of chronic refractory angina. Report from the ESC Joint Study Group on the Treatment of Refractory Angina
  137. Induced changes in the consumption of coffee alter <I>ad libitum</I> dietary intake and physical activity level
  138. Parental age and coronary disease in the general male population
  139. Different governments, different public health problems
  140. Differences in cardiovascular disease mortality and major risk factors between districts in Oslo. An ecological analysis
  141. Abstention from filtered coffee reduces the concentrations of plasma homocysteine and serum cholesterol—a randomized controlled trial
  142. The Natural History of Coronary Heart Disease is Changing - Why?
  143. Cost and health consequences of reducing the population intake of salt
  144. Adipose tissue fatty acids and risk of myocardial infarction—a case-control study
  145. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases - a scientific dilemma
  146. Whole blood folate, homocysteine in serum, and risk of first acute myocardial infarction
  147. Study of cancer incidence among 6363 male workers in four Norwegian ferromanganese and silicomanganese producing plants
  148. Study of cancer incidence among 8530 male workers in eight Norwegian plants producing ferrosilicon and silicon metal
  149. Disease activity and severity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: relations to socioeconomic inequality
  150. Healthy dietary habits in relation to social determinants and lifestyle factors
  151. Dietary fat intake and risk of lung cancer: a prospective study of 51,452 Norwegian men and women
  152. Dietary fat intake and risk of prostate cancer: A prospective study of 25,708 Norwegian men
  153. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and sudden death in ferroalloy plants
  154. Mortality from nonmalignant respiratory diseases among male workers in Norwegian ferroalloy plants
  155. Diet and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma: A prospective study of 50,757 Norwegian men and women
  156. Legal drug use in a general population: Association with gender, morbidity, health care utilization, and lifestyle characteristics
  157. A study of mortality among 14,730 male workers in 12 Norwegian ferroalloy plants: cohort characteristics and the main causes of death.
  158. Salt and blood pressure revisited
  159. Incidence and Risk Factors of Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Stroke in Europe
  160. Is blood pressure treatment as effective in a population setting as in controlled trials? Results from a prospective study
  161. Coffee, tea and coronary heart disease
  162. Mortality in relation to smoking history: 13 years' follow-up of 68,000 Norwegian men and women 35–49 years
  163. The Nordland Health Study
  164. The relative importance of blood lipids and other atherosclerosis risk factors
  165. Coffee and cholesterol: what is brewing?
  166. Cost effectiveness of incremental programmes for lowering serum cholesterol concentration: is individual intervention worth while?
  167. Coffee, cholesterol, and coronary heart disease.
  168. Association between blood pressure and serum lipids in a population. The Tromsø Study.
  169. Effect of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acids on Blood Pressure in Hypertension
  170. Epidemiology of Hypercholesterolemia and European Management Guidelines
  171. Treatment of hypertension as a risk factor in a prospective study
  172. Hypercholesterolaemia
  173. Coffee and cholesterol: is it all in the brewing? The Tromso Study.
  174. Patterns of dietary change: the Scandinavian experience
  175. Coffee, alcohol and coronary risk factors
  177. The Tromsø Heart Study: Responders and Non-responders to a Health Questionnaire, Do They Differ?
  178. The Tromso Heart Study: serum selenium and risk of myocardial infarction a nested case-control study.
  179. Coffee and cholesterol in epidemiological and experimental studies
  181. Coffee, cholesterol, and colon cancer: is there a link.
  182. The Tromsø heart study: The relationship between food habits and the body mass index
  183. Serum uric acid, serum glucose and diabetes: relationships in a population study
  184. Coffee consumption and serum lipid concentrations in men with hypercholesterolaemia
  185. The Tromso heart study: coffee consumption and serum lipid concentrations in men with hypercholesterolaemia: an randomised intervention study.
  186. Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Trends and Related Factors in Norway
  187. The Tromsø Heart Study: The Effect of Dietary Intervention in Hyperlipaemic Men — 5-Year Follow-up
  188. Coffee and serum cholesterol.
  189. The Tromsø Heart Study
  190. Serum lipids and glucose concentrations in subjects using antihypertensive drugs: Finnmark 1977.
  191. Blood lipids in middle-aged British men.
  192. Distribution of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol according to age, sex, and ethnic origin: cardiovascular disease study in Finnmark 1977.
  193. The Tromsø Heart Study: A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Relationship between Coronary Risk Factors and Some Physical and Social Variables
  194. Sex hormones and high density lipoproteins in healthy males
  196. A longitudinal study of the biological variability of plasma lipoproteins in healthy young adults
  197. Tromso Heart Study: vitamin D metabolism and myocardial infarction.
  198. The Tromsø Heart Study: Serum apolipoprotein Al concentration in relation to future coronary heart disease