All Stories

  1. Ice Crystal Environment Modular Axial Compressor Rig: Modeling of Ice and Air Conditions
  2. Ice Crystal Environment Modular Axial Compressor Rig: Particle detection probe measurement of ice properties downstream of a rotor
  3. Development and Validation of a Free Jet Engine Icing Tunnel
  4. Ice Crystal Environment - Modular Axial Compressor Rig: Overview of Altitude Icing Commissioning
  5. Development and Validation of a Compact Isokinetic Total Water Content Probe for Differentiating Mixed Phase Environments
  6. Ice Crystal Environment-Modular Axial Compressor Rig: Evaluation of Measured Water Content and Melt
  7. Ice Crystal Environment Modular Axial Compressor Rig: Characterization of Particle Fracture and Melt Across One Rotor Using Laser Shadowgraphy
  8. Characterization of an Engine Icing Tunnel and Comparison to Liquid Water Content from an Evaporation Model
  9. Droplet Evaporation Model for Determining Liquid Water Content in Engine Icing Tunnels and Examination of the Factors Affecting Liquid Water Content
  10. Validation of a Compact Isokinetic Total Water Content Probe for Wind Tunnel Characterization at NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel and at NRC Ice Crystal Tunnel
  11. Isokinetic TWC Evaporator Probe: Calculations and Systemic Error Analysis
  12. Isokinetic TWC Evaporator Probe: Development of the IKP2 and Performance Testing for the HAIC-HIWC Darwin 2014 and Cayenne Field Campaigns
  13. Compact Isokinetic Total Water Content Probe for Wind Tunnel Characterization