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  1. Glutamate Prevents Altered Mitochondrial Function Following Recurrent Low Glucose in Hypothalamic but Not Cortical Primary Rat Astrocytes
  2. Brain Permeable AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activator R481 Raises Glycaemia by Autonomic Nervous System Activation and Amplifies the Counterregulatory Response to Hypoglycaemia in Rats
  3. Astrocytes in the dorsal vagal complex are not activated by systemic glucoprivation and their chemogenetic activation does not elicit homeostatic glucoregulatory responses in mice
  4. Absence of the mitochondrial translocator protein 18 kDa in mice does not affect body weight or food intake responses to altered energy availability
  5. Attenuated Induction of the Unfolded Protein Response in Adult Human Primary Astrocytes in Response to Recurrent Low Glucose
  6. Brain-Body Control of Glucose Homeostasis—Insights From Model Organisms
  7. Extracellular ATP Increases Glucose Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle Cells in a P2 Receptor Dependent Manner but Does Not Contribute to Palmitate-Induced Insulin Resistance
  8. Analysis of the transcriptome and DNA methylome in response to acute and recurrent low glucose in human primary astrocytes
  9. The metabolic response to inflammation in astrocytes is regulated by nuclear factor‐kappa B signaling
  10. Changes in neuronal activity across the mouse ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in response to low glucose: evaluation using an extracellular multi‐electrode array approach
  11. Regulation of food intake by astrocytes in the brainstem dorsal vagal complex
  12. Immunometabolic Changes in Glia – A Potential Role in the Pathophysiology of Obesity and Diabetes
  13. Brain permeable AMPK activator R481 raises glycemia by autonomic nervous system activation and amplifies the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia in rats
  14. Astrocytes in neuroendocrine systems: An overview
  15. Basal fatty acid oxidation increases after recurrent low glucose in human primary astrocytes
  16. Regulation of hepatic glucose production and AMPK by AICAR but not by metformin depends on drug uptake through the equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1)
  17. Human primary astrocytes increase basal fatty acid oxidation following recurrent low glucose to maintain intracellular nucleotide levels
  18. The species origin of the cellular microenvironment influences markers of beta cell fate and function in EndoC-βH1 cells
  19. CNS Targets of Adipokines
  20. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator A-769662 increases intracellular calcium and ATP release from astrocytes in an AMPK-independent manner
  21. Oleate induces K ATP channel-dependent hyperpolarization in mouse hypothalamic glucose-excited neurons without altering cellular energy charge
  22. Chronic exposure to KATP channel openers results in attenuated glucose sensing in hypothalamic GT1-7 neurons
  23. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Metformin Irrespective of Diabetes Status
  24. Chronic Activation of γ2 AMPK Induces Obesity and Reduces β Cell Function
  25. Anti-inflammatory effects of metformin and their relationship to the therapeutic action of the drug
  26. Characterisation of the astrocytic response to acute and recurrent hypoglycaemia
  27. Kv1.3 inhibitors have differential effects on glucose uptake and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle cell lines and mouse ex vivo skeletal muscle
  28. Continuous hypothalamic KATP activation blunts glucose counter-regulation in vivo in rats and suppresses KATP conductance in vitro
  29. AMPK modulates glucose-sensing in insulin-secreting cells by altered phosphotransfer to KATP channels
  30. Hypoglycaemia: Exercise for the Brain?
  31. Mouse hypothalamic GT1-7 cells demonstrate AMPK-dependent intrinsic glucose-sensing behaviour
  32. The physiology and pathophysiology of the neural control of the counterregulatory response
  33. Loss of AMP-activated protein kinase α2 subunit in mouse β-cells impairs glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and inhibits their sensitivity to hypoglycaemia