All Stories

  1. Violent Imagery Traumatizes Rather than Motivates Veteran Activists.
  2. Nonhuman Animal Rights and Environmental Inequality
  3. Third-Wave Vegan Feminism and Feminist Animal Studies
  4. Society Writings: Veganism Made Real in Print
  5. A historical survey of veganism and plant-based consumption in Ireland
  6. The Extraordinary Monks of Skellig Michael and the Human/Nonhuman Boundary in Early Ireland
  7. Free-Riders in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex: The Problem of Flexitarianism
  8. “More of a Liability than an Asset”: Victorian Women’s Advocacy for Other Animals
  9. Breaking the Spell: A Critique of Intersectionality and Veganism in Anti-Racist Activism
  10. Experiences of older vegan women in the American vegan movement
  11. Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics?
  12. Atheism in the American Animal Rights Movement: An Invisible Majority
  13. The Vegan Society and social movement professionalization, 1944–2017
  14. For the wild: ritual and commitment in radical eco-activism
  15. Discriminating spirits: cultural source theory and the human-nonhuman boundary
  16. Review of Simon's "Meatonomics"
  17. Pussy grabs back: bestialized sexual politics and intersectional failure in protest posters for the 2017 women’s march
  18. Trump Veganism: A Political Survey of American Vegans in the Era of Identity Politics
  19. Skeptics and ‘The White Stuff’: Promotion of Cows’ Milk and Other Nonhuman Animal Products in the Skeptic Community as Normative Whiteness
  20. Fat vegan politics: A survey of fat vegan activists’ online experiences with social movement sizeism
  21. White Women Wanted? An Analysis of Gender Diversity in Social Justice Magazines
  22. An Analysis of Diversity in Nonhuman Animal Rights Media
  23. The medicalization of Nonhuman Animal rights: frame contestation and the exploitation of disability
  24. A Rational Approach to Animal Rights
  25. A Critique of Single-issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy
  26. Abolition Then and Now: Tactical Comparisons Between the Human Rights Movement and the Modern Nonhuman Animal Rights Movement in the United States
  27. The role of professionalization regarding female exploitation in the Nonhuman Animal rights movement
  28. Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy: Overcoming Contextual Constraints