All Stories

  1. PaperTouch: Tangible Interfaces through Paper Craft and Touchscreen Devices
  2. E-Acrylic: Electronic-Acrylic Composites for Making Interactive Artifacts
  3. Reconfigurable Interfaces by Shape Change and Embedded Magnets
  4. Wizard of Props: Mixed Reality Prototyping with Physical Props to Design Responsive Environments
  5. Marking Material Interactions with Computer Vision
  6. Crafting Interactive Circuits on Glazed Ceramic Ware
  7. Hands-on Exploration of Hybrid 4D Printing Design Space
  8. Build Your Own Arcade Machine with Tinycade
  9. FlexHaptics: A Design Method for Passive Haptic Inputs Using Planar Compliant Structures
  10. Fab4D : An Accessible Hybrid Approach for Programmable Shaping and Shape Changing Artifacts
  11. Building physical interfaces with paper and printed fiducial markers.
  12. Mechamagnets