All Stories

  1. Pluricentric legal Chinese
  2. Legal translation and bilingual law drafting in Hong Kong
  3. Translation of Proper Names in Hong Kong: Media and Official Usage at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
  4. Plain language law drafting in Hong Kong
  5. The econo-linguistics approach to the study of investor sentiment
  7. The translation of ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ in the Mandarin Bible Union Version
  8. English-Chinese translation of financial terminology in Mainland China and Hong Kong
  9. From self-interpreting to real interpreting: a new web-based exercise to launch effective interpreting training
  10. Building an online library for interpretation training: explorations into an effective blended-learning mode
  11. Bridging the Gap between language and law: Translational issues in creating legal Chinese in Hong Kong
  12. The use and translation of Chinese legal terminology in the property laws of mainland China and Hong Kong
  13. Nike K. Pokorn, Challenging the traditional axioms: Translation into a non-mother tongue
  14. Translation principles and language styles of three Chinese Bibles compared: Illustration by the changing use of Chinese third-person pronouns
  15. ‘Deep Approach’ in Translation Project Supervision