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  1. Sexual orientation change efforts: Health associations, sexual identity labeling, and reports of change by engagement status.
  2. Sexual minorities responding to sexual orientation distress: Examining 33 methods and the effects of sexual identity labeling and theological viewpoint.
  3. Domains related to four single/relationship options among sexual minorities raised conservatively religious.
  4. Sex and gender are distinct variables critical to health: Comment on Hyde, Bigler, Joel, Tate, and van Anders (2019).
  5. RE: Ryan, Toomey, Diaz, and Russell (2018)
  6. Identity Affirmation and Mental Health among Sexual Minorities: A Raised-Mormon Sample
  7. Same-Sex Attracted, Not LGBQ: The Associations of Sexual Identity Labeling on Religiousness, Sexuality, and Health Among Mormons
  8. Satisfaction and Health Within Four Sexual Identity Relationship Options