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  1. Why do consumers buy sports NFTs? – decoding consumer values and needs driving purchase intention
  2. Data-driven message optimization in dynamic sports media: an artificial intelligence approach to predict consumer response
  3. Sport Logistics: Considerations on the Nexus of Logistics and Sport Management and Its Unique Features
  4. Taking fan engagement to a new level – assessing sports consumer interest in virtual environments and Web3 activations
  5. Does the Game Matter? Analyzing Sponsorship Effectiveness and Message Personalization in Sport Live Broadcasts
  6. The perceived financial situation of nonprofit sports clubs explained by objective financial measures
  7. The influence of multiple combinations of celebrity endorsers on consumers' intentions to purchase a sports-related product
  8. Consumer profiles of women’s football spectators
  9. Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Scoping Review
  10. Athletes’ subjective evaluations of the implementation of dual career measures
  11. Game play and the effectiveness of sponsor signage: visual attention to brand messages in live sport broadcasts
  12. Dataset for the analysis of TV viewer response to live sport broadcasts and sponsor messages
  13. Facilitating sporting and non-sporting career goals of elite athletes through mentoring programmes
  14. The general and facet-specific job satisfaction of voluntary referees based on the model of effort-reward imbalance
  15. The gender earnings gap among elite athletes in semi-professional sports
  16. Perceived Threats through COVID-19 and the Role of Organizational Capacity: Findings from Non-Profit Sports Clubs
  17. Sponsor message processing in live broadcasts—A pilot study on the role of game outcome uncertainty and emotions
  18. Professional Clubs as Platforms in Multi-Sided Markets in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Spectators and Atmosphere in Live Football
  19. The effect of sponsorship portfolio size on brand choice: an experimental approach
  20. In Troubled Water? European Sports Clubs: Their Problems, Capacities and Opportunities
  21. Determinants of public perception of elite sport
  22. Board gender diversity, critical masses, and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs
  23. Facilitators and constraints for a wider societal role of voluntary sports clubs – evidence from European grassroots football
  24. Social inclusion in sports clubs across Europe: determinants of social innovation
  25. The determinants of the intention to continue voluntary football refereeing
  26. Public subsidies for sports clubs in Germany: funding regulations vs. empirical evidence
  27. Usefulness of multilevel modeling in sport management research: The case of voluntary roles in nonprofit sports clubs
  28. Germany: Autonomy, Partnership and Subsidiarity
  29. Match-fixing in European grassroots football
  30. Determinants of labour migration of elite sport coaches
  31. Physical activity and subjective well-being: the role of time
  32. Organizational performance of nonprofit and for-profit sport organizations
  33. Germany
  34. Introduction
  35. Sport Clubs in Europe
  36. Sport Clubs in Germany
  37. The effect of a four-week fitness program on satisfaction with health and life
  38. Sport Participation and Subjective Well-Being: Instrumental Variable Results from German Survey Data
  39. Exploring the organizational capacity and organizational problems of disability sport clubs in Germany using matched pairs analysis
  40. Sport und öffentliche Finanzen
  41. Einleitung
  42. Inhaltliche und formale Struktur des Buches
  43. Intangible Effekte
  44. Tangible Effekte
  45. Zum Wert des Sports
  46. Zusammenfassung und Fazit
  47. Einleitung
  48. Fazit
  49. Gesamtbetrachtung nach Haushaltsebenen
  50. Sportbezogene direkte Ausgaben der öffentlichen Haushalte
  51. Sportbezogene direkte Einnahmen der öffentlichen Haushalte
  52. Organizational Mission and Revenue Diversification among Non-profit Sports Clubs
  53. Revenue Volatility in German Nonprofit Sports Clubs
  54. Examining the Financial Condition of Sport Governing Bodies: The Effects of Revenue Diversification and Organizational Success Factors
  55. Happiness, pride and elite sporting success: What population segments gain most from national athletic achievements?
  56. Analyzing the impact of sport infrastructure on sport participation using geo-coded data: Evidence from multi-level models
  57. Understanding the importance of sport infrastructure for participation in different sports – findings from multi-level modeling
  58. Expenditure elasticities of the demand for leisure services
  59. The value of Olympic success and the intangible effects of sport events – a contingent valuation approach in Germany
  60. Understanding the interactions among revenue categories using elasticity measures—Evidence from a longitudinal sample of non-profit sport clubs in Germany
  61. The influence of socio‐demographic indicators economic determinants and social recognition on sport participation in Germany
  62. Suppliers' perception of destination competitiveness in a winter sport resort
  63. Understanding the Importance of Organizational Resources to Explain Organizational Problems: Evidence from Nonprofit Sport Clubs in Germany
  64. Einleitung
  65. Zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf
  66. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung der Profisportligen
  67. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung des Schul- und Hochschulsports
  68. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung des Sports für die Gebietskörperschaften
  69. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung des Sports in Deutschland
  70. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung des Vereinssports
  71. Die finanzpolitische Bedeutung von Sportgroßevents
  72. Einnahmeverzicht der öffentlichen Haushalte
  73. Gesellschaftliche Nutzeneffekte des Sports
  74. Sportbezogene direkte Ausgaben von den öffentlichen Haushalten
  75. Sportbezogene direkte Einnahmen für die öffentlichen Haushalte
  76. Understanding the income determinants of German elite athletes in non-professionalised sports
  77. Zusammenfassung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse
  78. Socioeconomic perspectives on physical activity and aging
  79. Gender Effects on Organizational Problems—Evidence from Non-Profit Sports Clubs in Germany
  80. Family structure, time constraints, and sport participation
  81. Scarcity of resources in German non-profit sport clubs
  82. The Demand for Sports and Recreational Services: Empirical Evidence from Germany
  83. Integrationsspezifische Organisationsleistungen und -herausforderungen der deutschen Sportvereine
  84. Travel Time Elasticities in Recreational Sports: Empirical Findings for the Professionalization in Sports Facility Management
  85. Socio-economic patterns of sport demand and ageing
  86. Are sports club members big spenders?
  87. The impact of image congruence between sport event and destination on behavioural intentions
  88. Top Clubs’ Performance and the Competitive Situation in European Domestic Football Competitions
  89. Book Review: Sports Economics. Theory, Evidence and Policy Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009. 419 pp
  90. Travel Time Spending Behaviour in Recreational Sports: An Econometric Approach with Management Implications
  91. Promoting Sport for All to Age-specific Target Groups: the Impact of Sport Infrastructure
  92. Decreasing Sports Activity With Increasing Age? Findings From a 20-year Longitudinal and Cohort Sequence Analysis
  93. Ökonomische Perspektiven von Sport und Gesundheit Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie e. V. am 19. und 20. Juni 2008 in Kiel
  94. Effektivität und Effizienz öffentlicher Sportförderung
  95. Alterung und Sportartikelnachfrage / Aging and the Demand for Sporting Goods
  96. Physical activity of adults aged 50 years and older in Switzerland
  97. Cohort effects in physical inactivity
  98. Soziale Ungleichheiten im Sport
  99. Fußball in Geschichte und Gegenwart
  100. Zur Dynamik der Sportnachfrage im Lebenslauf / Dynamics of Life-Span Demand for Sport
  101. Nachfragemuster und -erwartungen von Teilnehmern an touristischen Snowboard-Events
  102. Klaus Cachay und Ansgar Thiel: Soziologie des Sports. Zur Ausdifferenzierung und Entwicklungsdynamik des Sports der modernen Gesellschaft
  103. Opportunity Cost
  104. Substitutes
  105. Assessing Consumer Reactions with Neuroscientific Measurements
  106. Cost-Plus Pricing
  107. Demand-Oriented Pricing
  108. Expenditures on Sport Products and Services
  109. Facilities Financing
  110. Facilities Management
  111. Facility Planning, Sports
  112. For-Profit Organization
  113. Geodemographic Segmentation
  114. Geographic Segmentation, Sport
  115. Germany
  116. League Sponsorship Rights
  117. Marketing Objective
  118. Marketing of Sports
  119. Not-for-Profit Organization
  120. Objectives, Sponsorship
  121. Participant Market Segmentation
  122. Price Ceilings
  123. Sponsorship
  124. Sponsorship Valuation
  125. Sponsorships: Sole, Presenting, and Co-Sponsor
  126. Sport Opportunities and Local Well-being: Is Sport a Local Amenity?
  127. Sports Organizing Bodies
  128. Sports Tourism Marketing
  129. The Economics of Sport Policy
  130. Unique Selling Proposition
  131. Volunteers