All Stories

  1. From bystander to ally among faculty colleagues: construction and validation of the bystander intervention behavior scale
  2. Please feel free to intervene: A longitudinal analysis of the consequences of bystander behavioral expectations.
  3. Interactive theater: an effective tool to reduce gender bias in faculty searches
  4. UNH UNBIASED: Leadership Development and Policy Change to Promote Institutional Transformation
  5. Recognizing and Intervening in Bias Incidents in the Academic Workplace: A Self-Categorization Theory Perspective
  6. Nanotechnology as general-purpose technology: empirical evidence and implications
  7. Effects of Champion Behavior, Team Potency, and External Communication Activities on Predicting Team Performance
  8. Champions of product innovations: defining, developing, and validating a measure of champion behavior
  9. Future management research directions in nanotechnology: A case study
  10. Efficacy-Performance Spirals: An Empirical Test
  11. Charismatic leadership and task feedback
  12. Organizational antecedents to the successful implementation of total quality management: A social cognitive perspective