All Stories

  1. Dialect on Trial: An Experimental Examination of Raciolinguistic Ideologies and Character Judgments
  2. Documenting the emerging social-semiotic landscape in children ages 5 to 12
  3. Task-dependent consequences of disfluency in perception of native and non-native speech
  4. Talker-specificity and token-specificity in recognition memory
  5. Advancements of phonetics in the 21st century: Theoretical issues in sociophonetics
  6. Race, region, and gender affect how we remember spoken language
  7. The role of internal constraints and stylistic congruence on a variant's social impact
  8. Contextualizing /s/ retraction: Sibilant variation and change in Washington D.C. African American Language
  9. Considering Performance in the Automated and Manual Coding of Sociolinguistic Variables: Lessons From Variable (ING)
  10. Perceptual tracking of distinct distributional regularities within a single voice
  11. Investigating the relationship between comprehensibility and social evaluation
  12. Exploring vowel formant estimation through simulation-based techniques
  13. Perceiving Southernness: Vowel categories and acoustic cues in Southernness ratings
  14. The Goldilocks Zone of Perceptual Learning
  15. Expectations about the source of a speaker's accent affect accent adaptation
  16. Listener sensitivity to probabilistic conditioning of sociolinguistic variables: The case of (ING)
  17. Re-Examining Phonetic Variability in Native and Non-Native Speech
  18. Probing the Social Meaning of English Adjective Intensifiers as a Class Lab Project
  19. Integrality in indexical processing
  20. Do Listeners Learn Better from Natural Speech?
  21. The effects of lexical neighbors on stop consonant articulation
  22. Operationalizing Linguistic Gratuity: From Principle to Practice