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  1. Competency matters: Chinese American parents’ racial socialization and adolescents’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Becoming civically engaged adolescents: Individual and parenting mechanisms in Chinese American families.
  3. All in the family: The complementary protective roles of spousal and other family support for Chinese immigrant mothers’ life satisfaction over time.
  4. To maintain or conceal one’s cultural identity? Chinese American parents’ ethnic–racial socialization during COVID-19.
  5. Longitudinal pathways linking racial discrimination and Chinese American mothers’ parenting.
  6. Age-varying associations between Chinese American parents’ racial–ethnic socialization and children’s difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  7. Risk and protective processes in the link between racial discrimination and Chinese American mothers’ psychologically controlling parenting.
  8. Chinese American adolescents’ experiences of COVID-19 racial discrimination: Risk and protective factors for internalizing difficulties.
  9. The cost and benefit of fear induction parenting on children’s health during the COVID-19 outbreak.
  10. Longitudinal relations among child temperament, parenting, and acculturation in predicting Korean American children’s externalizing problems.
  11. Exploring the relations between parenting practices, child shyness, and internalizing problems in Chinese culture.
  12. Chinese American children’s temperamental shyness and responses to peer victimization as moderated by maternal praise.
  13. Rendered invisible: Are Asian Americans a model or a marginalized minority?
  14. Culturally shared and unique meanings and expressions of maternal control across four cultures.
  15. A person-centered examination of acculturation and psychological functioning among Chinese and Korean immigrant mothers in the United States.
  16. Exploring daily mediating pathways of religious identity in the associations between maternal religious socialization and Muslim American adolescents’ civic engagement.
  17. Mediating and moderating processes in the associations between Chinese immigrant mothers’ acculturation and parenting styles in the United States.
  18. Confirming the multidimensionality of psychological well-being among Korean immigrant mothers in the United States
  19. The Socialization Areas in Which European American and Chinese Immigrant Mothers Express Warmth and Control
  20. Confirmatory factor analyses of the Parent Attributions Questionnaire among Asian immigrant mothers
  21. Parenting Styles and Self-regulation among Asian American and European American College Students
  22. Child inhibitory control and maternal acculturation moderate effects of maternal parenting on Chinese American children’s adjustment.
  23. Conceptualization and Assessment of Multiple Forms of Social Withdrawal in Turkey