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  1. Review of 3D electromagnetic modeling and inversion for mineral exploration
  2. Three-dimensional airborne electromagnetic forward modeling based on multiscale hexahedral finite-element method
  3. Spectral element method based on domain decomposition for three-dimensional DC resistivity modeling
  4. Footprint-driven stochastic approximation inversion for time-domain airborne electromagnetic data
  5. 3D airborne electromagnetic data inversion basing on the block coordinate descent method
  6. 3D AEM simulation in rough media
  7. Geophysics for critical minerals — Introduction
  8. DecNet: Decomposition Network for 3D Gravity Inversion
  9. Stochastic inversion of magnetotelluric data using deep reinforcement learning
  10. A 3D forward-modeling approach for airborne electromagnetic data using a modified spectral-element method
  11. 3D inversion of large-scale frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data using unstructured local mesh
  12. Solution of large-scale 3D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling problem using efficient iterative solvers
  13. Fast imaging of time-domain airborne EM data using deep learning technology
  14. Spectral-element method with arbitrary hexahedron meshes for time-domain 3D airborne electromagnetic forward modeling
  15. 3D time-domain airborne electromagnetic inversion based on secondary field finite-volume method
  16. Adaptive finite element for 3D time-domain airborne electromagnetic modeling based on hybrid posterior error estimation
  17. IP effect is illustrated by an extended version of a wire-filament circuit.
  18. 3D inversion for multipulse airborne transient electromagnetic data
  19. A goal-oriented adaptive finite-element method for 3D scattered airborne electromagnetic method modeling
  20. Review on airborne electromagnetic inverse theory and applications
  21. Power line ground resistance detection using helicopter electromagnetic systems
  22. Footprint for frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic systems
  23. Simulated annealing for controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric data inversion