All Stories

  1. Time-lapse ground penetrating radar difference reflection imaging of saline tracer flow in fractured rock
  2. Source-side spatial wavefield gradients in land seismic exploration
  4. Advances in 6C seismology: Applications of combined translational and rotational motion measurements in global and exploration seismology
  5. GPR imaging of shear zones in crystalline rock
  6. Optimizing the design of vertical seismic profiling (VSP) for imaging fracture zones over hardrock basement geothermal environments
  7. Spatial Wavefield Gradient Data in Seismic Exploration
  8. Combining amphibious geomorphology with subsurface geophysical and geological data: A neotectonic study at the front of the Alps (Bernese Alps, Switzerland)
  9. Advanced seismic processing/imaging techniques and their potential for geothermal exploration
  10. The shallow elastic structure of the lunar crust: New insights from seismic wavefield gradient analysis
  11. Seismic imaging of a megathrust splay fault in the North Chilean subduction zone (Central Andes)
  12. Single-component elastic wavefield separation at the free surface using source- and receiver-side gradients
  13. Frequency-dependent traveltime tomography using fat rays: application to near-surface seismic imaging
  14. 9C seismic data acquisition for near-surface applications: recording, waveform reciprocity and 4C rotation
  15. Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Survey Optimization for Imaging Fracture Zones over Geothermal Areas
  16. Finite Difference Modelling of Wavefield Constituents
  17. Wavefield Separation of Multicomponent Land Seismic Data Using Spatial Wavefield Gradients
  18. Microseismic reflection imaging of the Central Andean crust
  19. Finite-difference modelling of wavefield constituents
  20. Efficient Deconvolution of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
  21. Geophone Coupling Corrections for Land-seismic Point Receiver Acquisition
  22. Understanding the Impact of Karst on Seismic Wave Propagation - A Multi-method Geophysical Study
  23. Three-dimensional Ground-penetrating Radar and Magnetic-gradient Surveying of the Roman Castle Irgenhausen (Switzerland)
  24. Multi-method geophysical imaging of a Quaternary valley in northern Switzerland
  25. Constraining helicopter electromagnetic models of the Okavango Delta with seismic-refraction and seismic-reflection data
  26. Characterizing Sagging and Collapse Sinkholes in a Mantled Karst by Means of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  27. High-resolution water content estimation from surface-based ground-penetrating radar reflection data by impedance inversion
  28. Bayesian frequency-domain blind deconvolution of ground-penetrating radar data
  29. Bayesian Frequency-domain Mixed-phase Wavelet Estimation and Deconvolution
  30. Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic models from ground-penetrating radar and direct-push data
  31. Mixed-phase Deconvolution of Ground-penetrating Radar Data
  32. 3D constraints on a possible deep >2.5 km massive sulphide mineralization from 2D crooked-line seismic reflection data in the Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden
  33. Traveltime tomographic inversion with simultaneous static corrections — Well worth the effort
  34. P- andSV-velocity structure of the South Portuguese Zone fold-and-thrust belt, SW Iberia, from traveltime tomography
  35. Seismic reflection imaging over the South Portuguese Zone fold-and-thrust belt, SW Iberia
  36. Shallow 3D seismic-reflection imaging of fracture zones in crystalline rock
  37. Prestack and poststack migration of crooked-line seismic reflection data: A case study from the South Portuguese Zone fold belt, southwestern Iberia
  38. High‐resolution 3‐D seismic imaging of the upper crystalline crust at a nuclear‐waste disposal study site on Ävrö Island, southeastern Sweden
  39. Ultra-shallow seismic reflection imaging in a region characterized by high source-generated noise