All Stories

  1. Sexual Orientation Microaggression Rating Scale (SOMRS): Development and association with alliance ruptures.
  2. A 21st century principle-based training approach to psychotherapy: A contribution to the momentum of transtheoretical work
  3. Measuring the therapeutic alliance between neuropsychologists and patients they are assessing
  4. Disaggregating between- and within-patient effects of ruptures and resolutions on the therapeutic alliance and symptom severity.
  5. Rupture Repair
  6. Renegotiating tasks or goals as rupture repair: A task analysis in a cognitive–behavioral therapy for personality disorder
  7. Alliance ruptures and resolutions in short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for adolescent depression: An empirical case study
  8. Addressing interpersonal patterns in patients with personality disorders partially explains psychotherapy outcome via changes in interaction patterns: A mediation analysis
  9. Evidence-based tailoring of treatment to patients, providers, and processes: Introduction to the special issue.
  10. The beginning of the end: a comparison of treatment completers and early dropouts in trainee-provided time-limited cognitive behavioral therapy
  11. A moderating factor for patients with vindictive interpersonal problems.
  12. Operationalizing alliance rupture–repair events using control chart methods
  13. Deepening the group training experience: Group cohesion and supervision impact in alliance-focused training.
  14. Commentary: Rupture repair as a transtheoretical corrective experience
  15. One more time with less jargon: An introduction to “Rupture Repair in Practice”
  16. Achieving successful resolution of alliance ruptures: for whom and when?
  17. Identifying Ruptures and Repairs in Alliance-Focused Training Group Supervision
  18. HiTOP and psychotherapy integration: Promising potential.
  19. Can we agree we just had a rupture? Patient-therapist congruence on ruptures and its effects on outcome in brief relational therapy versus cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  20. Alliance challenges in the treatment of a narcissistic patient: the case of Alex
  21. The Difficult Task of Assessing and Interpreting Treatment Deterioration: An Evidence-Based Case Study
  22. Sudden gains in the alliance in cognitive behavioral therapy versus brief relational therapy.
  23. The alliance in psychotherapy—Papers in honor of Jeremy D. Safran.
  24. Ambivalence, resistance, and alliance ruptures in psychotherapy: It’s complicated.
  25. Trainees’ experiences in alliance-focused training: The risks and rewards of learning to negotiate ruptures.
  26. Secure in-session attachment predicts rupture resolution: Negotiating a secure base.
  27. The processes of Jeremy Safran
  28. Rupture Resolution Rating System (3RS): Development and validation
  29. Alliance rupture repair: A meta-analysis.
  30. The effect of alliance-focused training on a cognitive-behavioral therapy for personality disorders.
  31. When therapist estimations of the process of treatment can predict patients rating on outcome: The case of the working alliance.
  32. Clinical consensus strategies to repair ruptures in the therapeutic alliance.
  33. Alliance Rupture and Resolution in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
  34. Not Just a Non-specific Factor: Moderators of the Effect of Within- and Between-Clients Alliance on Outcome in CBT
  35. The relationship between alliance and outcome: Analysis of a two-person perspective on alliance and session outcome.
  36. Research on psychotherapy integration: Building on the past, looking to the future
  37. Alliance-focused training.
  38. Investigating the impact of alliance-focused training on interpersonal process and therapists' capacity for experiential reflection
  39. Appraisals of daily romantic relationship experiences in individuals with borderline personality disorder features.
  40. Quantitative naturalistic methods for detecting change points in psychotherapy research: An illustration with alliance ruptures
  41. Repairing alliance ruptures.
  42. Clinical consensus strategies for interpersonal problems between young adults and their parents.
  43. The relationship of early alliance ruptures and their resolution to process and outcome in three time-limited psychotherapies for personality disorders.
  44. Method for examining children's beliefs about the functional role played by defensive interpersonal behaviour
  45. The impact of client sexual orientation and gender on clinical judgments and diagnosis of borderline personality disorder
  46. Enhancing Therapeutic Effectiveness With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients
  47. On the Need for a New Psychotherapy Research Paradigm: Comment on Westen, Novotny, and Thompson-Brenner (2004).
  48. Therapist self‐disclosure in cognitive‐behavior therapy