All Stories

  1. New Scatterplot Designs and Graph Perception
  2. A Qualitative Study of Human Theorizing about Robot Bodily Behavior
  3. Information Processing Biases Caused by Device Associations
  4. Towards Developing a Virtual Guitar Instructor through Biometrics Informed Human-Computer Interaction
  5. Theory of Mind Improves Human’s Trust in an Iterative Human-Robot Game
  6. Using Interaction Data to Predict Engagement with Interactive Media
  7. The Effect of Goal Moderation on the Achievement and Satisfaction of Physical Activity Goals
  8. Pseudo-colouring an ECG enables lay people to detect QT-interval prolongation regardless of heart rate
  9. The Role of Uncertainty as a Facilitator to Reflection in Self-Tracking
  10. Evaluating the Impact of Pseudo-Colour and Coordinate System on the Detection of Medication-induced ECG Changes
  11. Mediating Color Filter Exploration with Color Theme Semantics Derived from Social Curation Data
  12. Raising the status of software in research: A survey-based evaluation of the Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme
  13. An investigation of the effects of n-gram length in scanpath analysis for eye-tracking research
  14. Inferring Visual Behaviour from User Interaction Data on a Medical Dashboard
  15. Back to Analogue
  16. To Sign Up, or not to Sign Up?
  17. ABC
  18. Framing the community data system interface
  19. Dynamic Subtitles
  20. "I Woke Up as a Newspaper"
  21. Constructing Conceptual Knowledge Artefacts
  22. Longitudinal Analysis of Low-Level Web Interaction through Micro Behaviours
  23. ACM-W Athena lectures
  24. Predicting whether users view dynamic content on the world wide web