All Stories

  1. "What's wrong with this product?"
  2. AI-enabled price discrimination as an abuse of dominance: a law and economics analysis
  3. Case C-882/19 Sumal SL v. Mercedes Benz Trucks España SL
  4. Towards better working conditions for persons performing services through digital labour platforms
  5. Editorial: Discrimination in Online Advertising
  6. A New Order: The Digital Services Act and Consumer Protection
  7. Competition Law as a Tool to Ensure the Legitimacy of Standard-setting by European Standardisation Organisations?
  8. The Legitimacy of Standardisation as a Regulatory Technique in the EU – A Cross-disciplinary and Multi-level Analysis: An Introduction
  9. The Legitimacy of Standardisation as a Regulatory Technique
  10. Beyond Skanska. The Court of Appeal of Leeuwarden’s Latest Decision in TenneT
  11. EU Competition and State Aid Soft Law in the Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK
  12. EU Financial Regulation Soft Law in the Member States: Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK
  13. New EU rules on business-to-consumer and platform-to-business relationships
  14. Civil Law Liability of Parent Companies for Infringements of EU Competition Law by Their Subsidiaries
  15. Is our legislation fit to deal with damage caused by robots?
  16. The Transposition of the Antitrust Damages Directive in the Small Member States of the EU—A Comparative Perspective
  17. Voidness of anticompetitive agreements
  18. The Implementation of the Antitrust Damages Directive in Belgium
  19. The implementation of the Antitrust Damages Directive inn Luxembourg
  20. The Sharing Economy and the Law
  21. The Citizen in European Private Law
  22. Critical Remarks on the ADR Directive
  23. Comparison of the EU and Chinese System of Procedural Rights
  24. Conclusion
  25. Can legal persons invoke human rights in EU/Chinese competition law proceedings?
  26. Introduction
  27. EU Law and Interest on Damages for Infringements of Competition Law: A Comparative Report
  28. The Commission's European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy (Too) Platform and Service Provider Friendly?
  29. Book Review: Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives
  30. Who Does What in Competition Law: Harmonizing the Rules on Damages for Infringements of the EU Competition Rules?
  31. Legal Development
  32. The European Commission Proposal for a Directive on Antitrust Damages: A First Assessment
  33. The Impact of EU Law on Belgian Consumer Law Terminology
  34. The Impact of Voidness for Infringement of Article 101 TFEU on Linked Contracts
  35. The Principle of Proportionality and European Contract Law
  36. The Impact of EU Law on Belgian Consumer Law Terminology
  37. The Impact of Voidness for Infringement of Article 101 Tfeu on Related Contracts
  38. The EU adopted a new directive on consumer rights
  39. Access to Leniency Related Documents after Pfleiderer
  40. Access to Leniency-Related Documents after Pfleiderer
  41. The DCFR and the Attempts to Increase the Private Enforcement of Competition Law: Convergences and Divergences
  42. Injunctions at the Request of Third Parties in EU Competition Law
  43. The Institutional Framework of European Private Law
  44. Legislatures, courts and the Unfair Terms Directive
  45. National Report on the Transfer of Movables in Belgium
  46. The Principle of Proportionality and European Contract Law