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  1. Trait interactions effects on tropical tree demography depend on the environmental context
  2. Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness
  3. Characterization of Nitrogen Use by Neotropical Myrtaceae in Dry and Wet Forests of Southeast Brazil
  4. Family legacy: contrasting diversity–elevation relationships on a coastal Atlantic Forest mountain system
  5. Decarbonizing through nature
  6. Family Legacy: Depicting Diversity-Elevation Relationships of Tropical Tree Communities
  7. Testing collection‐time reduction in fine‐root biomass estimation in Atlantic Forests
  8. Biota Neotropica pays tribute to 60 years of FAPESP in this special issue
  9. Contributing to the advancement of the state-of-the-art in biodiversity research: the role of FAPESP in the last 60 years
  10. Science and environmental policy establishment: the case of the Forest Act in the State of São Paulo, Brazil
  11. The Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework
  12. Estrutura, composição florística e similaridade na Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica, em áreas do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Caraguatatuba
  13. Outcomes of a native bamboo on biomass and carbon stocks of a neotropical biodiversity hotspot
  14. Achieving private conservation targets in Brazil through restoration and compensation schemes without impairing productive lands
  15. Assessing invertebrate herbivory in human‐modified tropical forest canopies
  16. It’s biodiversity, stupid!
  17. Pandemia, biodiversidade, mudanças globais e bem-estar humano
  18. Governança ambiental no Brasil: rumo aos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS)?
  19. Biota Neotropica: twenty years supporting biodiversity science
  20. Fostering capacity building on Scenarios and Modelling on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services to Support Human Well-Being
  21. Increasing capacity to produce scenarios and models for biodiversity and ecosystem services
  22. A climate‐change vulnerability and adaptation assessment for Brazil's protected areas
  23. Mediation of area and edge effects in forest fragments by adjacent land use
  24. Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses
  25. Seasonal changes in water sources used by woody species in a tropical coastal dune forest
  26. Brazilian assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services: summary for policy makers
  27. The 2nd Work Program of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services/IPBES
  28. Nitrogen input by bamboos in neotropical forest: a new perspective
  29. Differences in leaf thermoregulation and water use strategies between three co-occurring Atlantic forest tree species
  30. Tropical forest light regimes in a human-modified landscape
  31. A Rosetta Stone for Nature’s Benefits to People
  32. Estrutura e distribuição espacial de populações de palmeiras em diferentes altitudes na Serra do Mar, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil
  33. Experiences from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: ecological findings and conservation initiatives
  34. The conceptual framework of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services/IPBES
  35. Pervasive transition of the Brazilian land-use system
  36. Disturbances, elevation, topography and spatial proximity drive vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient of a top biodiversity hotspot
  37. Sobrevivência e crescimento inicial de Ocotea pulchella (Lauraceae) em uma floresta de restinga da Ilha do Cardoso, SP
  38. Application of MALDI‐MS analysis of Rainforest chemodiversity: a keystone for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
  39. Diversity in nighttime transpiration behavior of woody species of the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil
  40. Variation in liana abundance and biomass along an elevational gradient in the tropical Atlantic Forest (Brazil)
  41. Stocks of carbon and nitrogen and partitioning between above- and belowground pools in the Brazilian coastal Atlantic Forest elevation range
  42. TRY - a global database of plant traits
  43. Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide in a gradient of elevation in the coastal Brazilian Atlantic forest
  44. Brazilian Atlantic Forest lato sensu: the most ancient Brazilian forest, and a biodiversity hotspot, is highly threatened by climate change
  45. Forest structure and live aboveground biomass variation along an elevational gradient of tropical Atlantic moist forest (Brazil)
  46. Biodiversity Conservation Research, Training, and Policy in São Paulo
  47. Dynamics of Dissolved Forms of Carbon and Inorganic Nitrogen in Small Watersheds of the Coastal Atlantic Forest in Southeast Brazil
  49. Germination and anaerobic metabolism of seeds of Tabebuia cassinoides (Lam.) DC subjected to flooding and anoxia
  50. Flooding tolerance of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae): morphological, physiological and growth responses
  51. Erythrina speciosa (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) under soil water saturation: morphophysiological and growth responses
  52. Flooding tolerance of Tabebuia cassinoides: Metabolic, morphological and growth responses
  53. Biodiversity and climate change in the Neotropical region
  54. Permeability - impermeability: canopy trees as biodiversity filters
  55. Is there a need for an international mechanism of scientific expertise on biodiversity?
  56. Taxonomy: programmes developing in the South too
  57. Reply to biodiversity data are out of local taxonomists' reach
  58. Nitrogen use strategies of neotropical rainforest trees in threatened Atlantic Forest
  59. Impact of point source pollution on nitrogen isotope signatures (δ15N) of vegetation in SE Brazil
  60. Overnight rainfall inducing rapid changes in photosynthetic behaviour in a cerrado woody species during a dry spell amidst the rainy season