All Stories

  1. Critical factors for SDG12 success in organizations
  2. Discerning interrelationships among management accounting systems, organizational variables, and managerial performance
  3. Understanding how Top Management Influences use of Management Accounting Systems
  4. Digital transformation capabilities leverage sustainable development success through EFQM model
  5. Excellence models research inception, thematic structure, and new research gaps
  6. The role of dynamic capabilities on the effectiveness of organizational changes in public sector
  7. News perspectives and research opportunities on management accounting.
  8. How to use performance measurement and management systems in changing public organizations?
  9. Sistema de gestão e medição de desempenho nas organizações públicas: o efeito mediador das capacidades dinâmicas
  10. Exploring the Interrelationship Among Management Accounting Systems, Decentralization, and Organizational Performance
  11. The emerging organizational role of the maintenance function: a strategic perspective
  12. The effectiveness of management accounting systems in SMEs: a multidimensional measurement approach
  13. Management accounting systems: an organizational competitive performance perspective
  14. Antecedents and consequences of passenger satisfaction with the airport
  15. Determinants of passenger loyalty in multi-airport regions: Implications for tourism destination
  16. Information technology and the supply chain integration: a business executives' context
  17. Towards excellence in managing the public-sector project cycle: a TQM context
  18. Performance measurement practices in airports: Multidimensionality and utilization patterns
  19. Exploring competitive strategic performance consistency in service organizations
  20. Toward promoting effective strategic performance: the relevance of the alignment of performance measurement and competitive strategic choices
  21. The role of people in promoting the IT organizational performance
  22. Measuring airport service quality: A multidimensional approach
  23. Performance measurement in airports
  24. Performance management in Iranian manufacturing organisations: practices and culture
  25. Changing role of maintenance in business organisations: measurement versus strategic orientation
  26. Transforming the airport environment in a tourism experience.
  27. A win-win approach to promoting cooperation between business organisations and business education: the role of internships
  28. Toward education and training the human resources: meeting the challenge through a joint-venture process approach between the public and private sectors
  29. Capabilities as components of competitive strategy in the Portuguese service sector
  30. Enhancing organisational performance through information technology: an organisational and social strategic context
  31. The influence of demographic factors and risk aversion on tax morale: A multi-group analysis
  32. Discerning competitive strategy through an assessment of competitive methods
  33. Corporate Sustainability of Service Organizations
  34. An assessment of performance-related practices in service operational settings: measures and utilization patterns
  35. Discerning Interrelationships among the Knowledge, Competencies, and Roles of Project Managers in the Planning and Implementation of Public Sector Projects
  36. Improving patients' satisfaction through more effective utilization of operating rooms resources
  37. A systematic benchmarking perspective on performance management of global small to medium‐sized organizations
  38. A literature review of maintenance performance measurement
  39. Toward the promotion of effective performance of entry‐level managers: the case of Portugal
  40. Competitive strategic grouping for hospitals
  41. Performance measurement practices in manufacturing firms revisited
  42. Performance management in service operational settings: a selective literature examination
  43. Assessing operational effectiveness in healthcare organizations: a systematic approach
  44. Strategic grouping and performance of Portuguese manufacturing firms: a structural equation modelling approach
  45. Benchmarking competitive methods and strategic choices of Portuguese SMEs
  46. Characteristics of Portuguese Public-Sector Project Managers: Toward Closing the Effectiveness Gap
  47. Effective managerial performance and education: towards closing the gaps
  48. Project management in the context of organizational change
  49. The dimensionality and utilization of performance measures in a manufacturing operational context
  50. The effectiveness of hospitality service operations: measurement and implementation concerns
  51. An empirical investigation of manufacturing performance measures utilization
  52. An assessment of the key success factors of manufacturing performance from the perspective of external decision-makers
  53. An investigation of information availability and sharability for organisational performance measures
  54. The measurement of operational performance effectiveness: an innovative organisational approach
  55. Key performance factors of manufacturing effective performance
  56. Performance measurement practices in manufacturing firms: an empirical investigation
  57. A literature review of manufacturing performance measures and measurement in an organizational context: a framework and direction for future research
  58. An examination of manufacturing organizations' performance evaluation