All Stories

  1. Introduction: Global Gangs? Beyond Marginalization and Resilience
  2. Bandas dentro, bandas fuera. (Des)securitización versus punitivismo de las organizaciones juveniles de calle en España, Ecuador y El Salvador
  3. The Emotional States Elicited in a Human Tower Performance: Case Study
  4. Gangs and social media: A systematic literature review and an identification of future challenges, risks and recommendations
  5. ‘People Have the Power’: Songs of Resistance in Late Modernity
  6. Being nomadic and overseas rappers: Construction of hybrid identity in Chinese hip-hop scene
  7. Desde la periferia: la noción de espacio social en la movilización sociopolítica de la juventud
  8. Identidad, Juventud y Crisis: el concepto de crisis en las teorías sobre la juventud
  9. Introduction: Songs that Sing the Crisis: Music, Words, Youth Narratives and Identities in Late Modernity
  10. Is There an Ibero-American “Youthology”? A Conversation
  11. In My Name and the Name of All People Who Live in Misery: Rap in the Wake of Revolution in Tunisia and Egypt
  12. El Sur político del Norte global: repensando la participación política juvenil en España
  13. Gender and social class in study choice: narratives of youth transitions in Spain
  14. Youth and social movements on the move: political engagement among young Spanish migrants in London
  15. Emergence of (Hybrid) Youth Cultures
  16. ‘Unidos por el mismo sueño en una canción’: On music, gangs and flows
  17. Introducción: «Te vas pensando que has dejado atrás a zombis». La emigración juvenil: ¿aventura o exilio?
  18. The “indignant” pilgrim: Cultural narratives of crisis and renewal in the 15M movement in Spain
  19. Communication among young people in the #spanishrevolution: Uses of online–offline tools to obtain information about the #acampadabcn
  20. Young people and youth policies in Spain in times of austerity: between juggling and the trapeze
  21. Editorial
  22. Introduction: Youth Studies in Latin America—On Social Actors, Public Policies and New Citizenships
  23. Past and present of adolescence in society: The ‘teen brain’ debate in perspective
  24. Juventud, espacio propio y cultura digital
  25. ¿Organización cultural o asociación ilícita? Reyes y reinas latinos entre Madrid y Barcelona
  26. Global citizenship and the ‘New, New’ social movements
  27. Fire in the Plaça: Catalan Festival Politics after Franco. Dorothy Noyes
  28. Jipis, Pijos, Fiesteros