All Stories

  1. Definition and Measurement of Violence in the Crime Survey for England and Wales: Implications for the Amount and Gendering of Violence
  2. Using Saturated Count Models for User-Friendly Synthesis of Large Confidential Administrative Databases
  3. On Integrating the Number of Synthetic Data Sets m into the a priori Synthesis Approach
  4. Reflections on statistical modelling: A conversation with Murray Aitkin
  5. Down syndrome, temporal variation and fallout radiation revisited: statistical evidence
  6. Whitehead et al. Response to “Misunderstandings of Multiple Systems Estimation.”
  7. Heaviness-brightness correspondence and stimulus-response compatibility
  8. On the Unreliability of Multiple Systems Estimation for Estimating the Number of Potential Victims of Modern Slavery in the UK
  9. Statistical Challenges of Administrative and Transaction Data
  10. Patterns of infant mortality in rural England and Wales, 1850-1910†
  11. Why and how do we measure violence against women and against men?
  12. Cross-Sensory Correspondences: Heaviness is Dark and Low-Pitched
  13. Statistical Modelling of a Terrorist Network
  14. Investigating the Relationship Between the Diversity Index and Frequency of Offending
  15. Blackmail
  16. Gambling Harm and Crime Careers
  17. Using the UK general offender database as a means to measure and analyse organized crime
  18. Smoothing Group-Based Trajectory Models Through B-Splines
  19. Do fetuses move their lips to the sound that they hear? An observational feasibility study on auditory stimulation in the womb
  20. The Fetal Observable Movement System (FOMS)
  21. Is Violent Crime Increasing or Decreasing? a New Methodology to Measure Repeat Attacks Making Visible the Significance of Gender and Domestic Relations
  22. The size-brightness correspondence: evidence for crosstalk among aligned conceptual feature dimensions
  23. Modelling escalation in crime seriousness: a latent variable approach
  24. Stopping rape
  25. A new Bayesian approach for determining the number of components in a finite mixture
  26. Changing Prevalence of Sex Offender Convictions
  27. Mainstreaming Domestic and Gender-Based Violence into Sociology and the Criminology of Violence
  28. Markov models of dependence in longitudinal paired comparisons: an application to course design
  29. Statistical modelling of the group structure of social networks
  30. Laterality of foetal self-touch in relation to maternal stress
  31. Development of prenatal lateralization: Evidence from fetal mouth movements
  32. The long term recidivism risk of young sexual offenders in England and Wales– enduring risk or redemption?
  33. A Mixture Model for Longitudinal Partially Ranked Data
  34. Sexual Recidivism
  35. The development of anticipation in the fetus: A longitudinal account of human fetal mouth movements in reaction to and anticipation of touch
  36. Middle-Class Offenders as Employees—Assessing the Risk: A 35-Year Follow-Up
  37. Can the FIFA World Cup Football (Soccer) Tournament Be Associated with an Increase in Domestic Abuse?
  38. Sexual and General Offending Trajectories of Men Referred for Civil Commitment
  39. Can Healthy Fetuses Show Facial Expressions of “Pain” or “Distress”?
  40. Questioning Crime and Criminology
  41. Development of Fetal Yawn Compared with Non-Yawn Mouth Openings from 24–36 Weeks Gestation
  42. Middle-Class Offenders: A 35-Year Follow-Up
  43. Missing observations in paired comparison data
  44. Reviewing the pantheon of sexual offending
  45. Modeling Microgenetic Data
  46. Handbook of European Homicide Research
  47. A Common Scheme for Cross-Sensory Correspondences across Stimulus Domains
  48. Do Facial Expressions Develop before Birth?
  49. Homicide in England and Wales
  50. Controls over nutrient dynamics in overland flows on slopes representative of agricultural land in North West Europe
  51. What is latent class analysis?
  52. Modeling heterogeneity in ranked responses by nonparametric maximum likelihood: How do Europeans get their scientific knowledge?
  53. The quality of fetal arm movements as indicators of fetal stress
  54. A Longitudinal Study of Escalation in Crime Seriousness
  55. Criminal Lifestyle Specialization: Female Offending in England and Wales
  56. The taxonomic status of Tilia dasystyla in Crimea, Ukraine
  57. The impact of peatland drain-blocking on dissolved organic carbon loss and discolouration of water; results from a national survey
  58. The importance of co-convictions in the prediction of dangerous recidivism: Blackmail and kidnapping as a demonstration study
  59. The Brightness-Weight Illusion
  60. Exploring Paradigms of Crime Reduction: An Empirical Longitudinal Study
  61. Tackling mixed messages: embedding advanced numeracy in graduate identities
  62. When do Ex‐Offenders Become Like Non‐Offenders?
  63. Criminal convictions among children and young adults
  64. Kidnapping offenders: Their risk of escalation to repeat offending and other serious crime
  65. Risk factors for a first-time drink-driving conviction among young men: A birth cohort study of all men born in Denmark in 1966
  66. Does Serious Offending Lead to Homicide?: Exploring the Interrelationships and Sequencing of Serious Crime
  67. Older People and Dissatisfaction with Wheelchair Services
  68. Violent Life Events and Social Disadvantage: A Systematic Study of the Social Background of Various Kinds of Lethal Violence, Other Violent Crime, Suicide, and Suicide Attempts
  69. Changing Patterns of Offending Behaviour Among Young Adults
  70. Using cardinality to compare quantities: the role of social‐cognitive conflict in early numeracy
  71. A paired comparison approach for the analysis of sets of Likert-scale responses
  72. Model-Based Clustering for Social Networks
  73. Modelling change: new opportunities in the analysis of microgenetic data
  74. A latent Markov model for detecting patterns of criminal activity
  75. Estimation Issues and Generational Changes in Modeling Criminal Career Length
  76. Patterns of Offending Behaviour: A New Approach
  77. Socioeconomic gradients in smoking among young women: A British survey
  78. Modelling dependency in multivariate paired comparisons: A log-linear approach
  79. Pathways of disadvantage and smoking careers: evidence and policy implications
  80. Kidnapping: a criminal profile of persons convicted 1979–2001
  81. Socioeconomic lifecourse influences on women's smoking status in early adulthood
  82. Identifying future repeat danger from sexual offenders against children: A focus on those convicted and those strongly suspected of such crime
  83. Who Is Most at Risk of Becoming a Convicted Rapist? The Likelihood of a Rape Conviction among the 1966 Birth Cohort in Denmark
  84. What is the Future Repeat Danger from Sexual Offenders against Children? Implications for Policing
  85. Grouping Cancer Patients by Psychosocial Needs
  86. Multiple Cohort Data, Delinquent Generations, and Criminal Careers
  87. Profiles of Crime Recruitment: Changing Patterns over Time
  88. Newspaper Reporting and the Public Construction of Homicide
  89. The Reporting Trajectories of Top Homicide Cases in the Media: A Case Study of The Times
  90. The Criminal Careers of Arsonists
  91. Identifying Patterns and Pathways of Offending Behaviour
  92. Using homicide data to assist murder investigations: Home Office online report 26/04
  93. The persistent offenders debate:
  94. An upbringing to violence? Identifying the likelihood of violent crime among the 1966 birth cohort in Denmark
  95. Place of death: analysis of cancer deaths in part of North West England
  96. The universal, situational, and personal needs of cancer patients and their main carers
  97. Psychosocial needs in cancer patients related to religious belief
  98. Homicide and the Media: Identifying the Top Cases in The Times
  99. Analysing Partial Ranks by Using Smoothed Paired Comparison Methods: An Investigation of Value Orientation in Europe
  100. Exploring the Relationship between Homicide and Levels of Violence in Great Britain
  101. Gender, ethics and social work An international study of students' perceptions at entry into social work education
  102. Moral panics and the aftermath: a study of incest
  103. The psychosocial needs of cancer patients: findings from an observational study
  104. Informal carers of cancer patients: what are their unmet psychosocial needs?
  105. The significant unmet needs of cancer patients: probing psychosocial concerns
  106. A New Approach for Ranking 'Serious' Offences. The Use of Paired-Comparisons Methodology
  107. Bertin, Lexis and the graphical representation of event histories
  108. The geography of survival after surgery for colo-rectal cancer in southern England
  109. Does sex offending lead to homicide?
  110. Sex Offenders: Specialists, Generalists--or Both?
  111. Poisoned chalice or just deserts? (The Sex Offenders Act 1997)
  112. The responses of Briza media and Koeleria macrantha to drought and re‐watering
  113. The Use of Visualization in the Examination of Categorical Event Histories
  114. Involvement of deprivation and environmental lead in neural tube defects: a matched case-control study
  116. Statistical Modelling
  117. The Standard Spending Assessment as a Measure of Spending Needs in Nonmetropolitan Districts
  118. Fitting Power Models to Two-Way Contingency Tables
  119. Geographic Influences on the Uptake of Infant Immunisations: 2. Disaggregate Analyses
  120. Geographic Influences on the Uptake of Infant Immunisations: 1. Concepts, Models, and Aggregate Analyses
  121. Statistical modelling of university conditional offer requirements
  122. Advances in GLIM and Statistical Modelling
  123. Medical applications in GLIM4
  124. Model fitting applications in GLIM4
  125. NHS nursing: vocation, career or just a job?
  126. Effects of over‐winter fumigation with sulphur and nitrogen dioxides on biochemical parameters and spring growth in red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.)
  127. Remark AS R88: A Remark on Algorithm AS 121: The Trigamma Function
  128. Nursing the statistics: a demonstration study of nurse turnover and retention
  129. GLIM4 - structure and development
  130. Statistical Modelling
  131. Prediction of the probability of forest decline damage to Norway spruce using three simple site‐independent diagnostic parameters
  132. Use of carotenoid ratios, ethylene emissions and buffer capacities for the early diagnosis of forest decline
  133. Growth responses and delayed winter hardening in Sitka spruce following summer exposure to ozone
  134. Generalized Linear Models
  135. A Reanalysis of the Stanford Heart Transplant Data
  136. Rejoinder
  137. GLIM — A Developing System
  138. Interactive Regression Modelling
  139. Health and education expenditure in the United Kingdom: What priority?
  140. Clinical decision-making: A study of general surgery within trent RHA