All Stories

  1. Dietary sources, bioavailability and health effects of carotenoids
  2. Identification and quantification of fatty acids and lipid‐soluble phytochemicals using GC‐MS, HPLC‐MS, and FTIR and their association with quality parameters during avocado ripening
  3. Production, commercialization, uses, trends and benefits of avocado oil
  4. Effects of pectin on lipid digestion and possible implications for carotenoid bioavailability during pre-absorptive stages: A review
  5. Effect of pectin concentration and properties on digestive events involved on micellarization of free and esterified carotenoids
  6. Associations between whole peripheral blood fatty acids and DNA methylation in humans
  7. The trans fatty acid elaidate affects the global DNA methylation profile of cultured cells and in vivo
  8. Absorption of Carotenoids and Mechanisms Involved in Their Health-Related Properties
  9. Effect of ripening and heat processing on the physicochemical and rheological properties of pepper pectins
  10. Antioxidant activity and content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in raw and heat-processed Jalapeño peppers at intermediate stages of ripening
  11. Effect of Ripening, Heat Processing, and Fat Type on the Micellarization of Pigments from Jalapeño Peppers
  12. Effect of Heat Processing on the Profile of Pigments and Antioxidant Capacity of Green and Red Jalapeño Peppers