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  1. An Approach to Explaining Formants
  2. An age-dependent vocal tract model for males and females based on anatomic measurements
  3. Vowel space density as an indicator of speech performance
  4. Influence of Left–Right Asymmetries on Voice Quality in Simulated Paramedian Vocal Fold Paralysis
  5. A Modeling Study of the Effects of Vocal Tract Movement Duration and Magnitude on the F2 Trajectory in CV Words
  6. Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of Left–Right Laryngeal Asymmetries Based on Computational Modeling
  7. Relation of Perceived Breathiness to Laryngeal Kinematics and Acoustic Measures Based on Computational Modeling
  8. Acoustic Characteristics of Simulated Respiratory-Induced Vocal Tremor
  9. Relation of Structural and Vibratory Kinematics of the Vocal Folds to Two Acoustic Measures of Breathy Voice Based on Computational Modeling
  10. Relation of Vocal Tract Shape, Formant Transitions, and Stop Consonant Identification