All Stories

  1. Putting the ‘Amsterdam School’ in its Rightful Place: A Reply to Juan Ignacio Staricco’s Critique of Cultural Political Economy
  2. Varieties of academic capitalism and entrepreneurial universities
  3. Karl Marx
  4. In Memoriam: John Urry, 1946–2016
  5. The Organic Crisis of the British State: Putting Brexit in its Place
  6. Capital, the State and War: Class Conflict and Geopolitics in the Thirty Years’ Crisis, 1914–1945. By Alexander Anievas. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014. 336p. $35.00.
  7. A cultural political economy of legal regulation of monopoly and competition
  8. Book Review: Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy by Jack RasmusRasmusJackSystemic Fragility in the Global Economy, Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press, pp 490, GBP 17.51, USD 29.95; 978-0-9860769-4-7
  9. Agency, structure, institutions, discourse (ASID) in urban and regional development
  10. Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Putting Culture in Its Place in Political Economy, by Ngai-Ling Sum and Bob Jessop
  11. Reading the Conjuncture: State, Austerity, and Social Movements, an Interview with Bob Jessop
  12. Territory, Politics, Governance and Multispatial Metagovernance
  13. What is critical?
  14. Putting higher education in its place in (East Asian) political economy
  15. The Developmental State in an Era of Finance-Dominated Accumulation
  16. Neoliberalismen, kritische politische Ökonomie und neoliberale Staaten
  17. Primacy of the Economy, Primacy of the Political: Critical Theory of Neoliberalism
  18. Crises, crisis-management and state restructuring: what future for the state?
  19. A Cultural Political Economy Approach to the Governance of Global Social Policy
  20. Neoliberalism, finance-dominated accumulation and enduring austerity: a cultural political economy perspective
  21. Hard cash, easy credit, fictitious capital: Critical reflections on money as a fetishised social relation
  22. The Symptomatology of Crises, Reading Crises and Learning from Them: Some Critical Realist Reflections
  23. The course, contradictions, and consequences of extending competition as a mode of (meta-)governance: towards a sociology of competition and its limits
  24. Crisis construal in the North Atlantic Financial Crisis and the Eurozone crisis
  25. Margaret Thatcher and Thatcherism: Dead but not buried
  26. Comparative Capitalisms and/or Variegated Capitalism
  27. Zur Relevanz von Luhmanns Systemtheorie und von Laclau und Mouffes Diskursanalyse für die Weiterentwicklung der marxistischen Staatstheorie
  28. Corporatism and Beyond? On Governance and Its Limits
  29. Book review: Aftermath: The cultures of the economic crisisCastellsManuelCaraçaJoãoCardosoGustavo (eds), Aftermath: The cultures of the economic crisis, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2014; 315 pp. ISBN: 9780199677382, $24.95 (pbk). 2012; ISBN: 97801...
  30. Towards a political ontology of state power: a comment on Colin Hay's article
  31. A specter is haunting Europe: a neoliberal phantasmagoria
  32. Variegated Capitalism, das Modell Deutschland, and the Eurozone Crisis
  33. Repoliticising depoliticisation: theoretical preliminaries on some responses to the American fiscal and Eurozone debt crises
  34. Capitalist diversity and variety: Variegation, the world market, compossibility and ecological dominance
  35. Sum, Ngai-Ling und Jessop, Bob. Towards a Cultural Political Economy. Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy.
  36. The returns of the argumentative turn
  37. Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power, and Backwardness in Spain, 1650–1800. By Regina Grafe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. 320p. $39.50.States of Credit: Size, Power, and the Development of European Polities. By David Stasavage. Princeton: Pr...
  38. Revisiting the regulation approach: Critical reflections on the contradictions, dilemmas, fixes and crisis dynamics of growth regimes
  39. Putting neoliberalism in its time and place: a response to the debate
  40. Towards a Cultural Political Economy
  41. Finance-Dominated Accumulation and the Limits to Institutional and Spatio-Temporal Fixes in Capitalism
  42. Credit Money, Fiat Money and Currency Pyramids: Reflections on the Financial Crisis and Sovereign Debt
  43. Competitiveness, the Knowledge-Based Economy and Higher Education
  44. Marxist Approaches to Power
  45. Obstacles to a world state in the shadow of the world market
  46. Liberalism, Neoliberalism, and Urban Governance: A State-Theoretical Perspective
  47. Neoliberalism
  48. Economic and Ecological Crises: Green new deals and no-growth economies
  49. A Cultural Political Economy of Competitiveness
  50. A Cultural Political Economy of Competitiveness
  51. Narratives of Crisis and Crisis Response: Perspectives from North and South
  52. Constructions of Neoliberal Reason - By Jamie Peck
  53. Nation and State
  54. Governance
  55. Thinking State/Space Incompossibly
  56. Análise Crítica Semiótica e Economia Política Cultural | Critical semiotic analysis and critical political economy
  57. Análise Crítica Semiótica e Economia Política Cultural | Critical semiotic analysis and critical political economy
  58. Cultural Political Economy: Logics of Discovery, Epistemic Fallacies, the Complexity of Emergence, and the Potential of the Cultural Turn
  59. Cultural political economy and critical policy studies
  60. The ‘return’ of the national state in the current crisis of the world market
  61. World Market, World State, World Society: Marxian Insights and Scientific Realist Interrogations
  62. Politische Ökonomie, Politische Ökologie und Demokratischer Sozialismus
  63. Redesigning the State, Reorienting State Power, and Rethinking the State
  64. O Estado, o poder, o socialismo de Poulantzas como um clássico moderno
  65. Beyond the Regulation Approach: Putting Capitalist Economies in Their Place. By Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum
  66. Political Economy and Global Capitalism
  67. State Theory
  68. Polanyian, Regulationist, and Autopoieticist Reflections on States and Markets and their Implications for the Knowledge‐Based Economy
  69. The State and State-Building
  70. Cultural political economy: On making the cultural turn without falling into soft economic sociology
  71. Developments in Marxist Theory
  72. Theorizing Sociospatial Relations
  73. Chapter Twenty-Two. States, state power, and state theory
  74. Karl Marx
  75. Dialogue of the Deaf: Some Reflections on the Poulantzas-Miliband Debate
  76. Zur Relevanz von Luhmanns Systemtheorie und von Laclau und Mouffes Diskursanalyse für die Weiterentwicklung der marxistischen Staatstheorie
  77. New Labour or The Normalization of Neo-Liberalism?
  78. Statism
  79. Althusser, Poulantzas, Buci-Glucksmann – Weiterentwicklungen von Gramscis Konzept des integralen Staats
  80. Knowledge as a Fictitious Commodity: Insights and Limits of a Polanyian Perspective
  81. From micro-powers to governmentality: Foucault's work on statehood, state formation, statecraft and state power
  82. ¿Narrando el Futuro de la Economía Nacional y el Estado Nacional? Puntos a Considerar Acerca del Replanteo de la Regulación y la Re-Invención de la Gobernancia
  83. State- and Regulation-Theoretical Perspectives on the European Union and the Failure of the Lisbon Agenda
  84. Beyond the Regulation Approach
  85. Towards a Cultural International Political Economy: Poststructuralism and the Italian School
  86. Gramsci as a Spatial Theorist
  88. Marx, L’État et la politique by Antoine Artous
  89. The gender selectivities of the state: a critical realist analysis
  90. Critical semiotic analysis and cultural political economy
  91. On the Limits of The Limits to Capital
  92. The Gender Selectivities of the State
  93. La economía política de la escala y la construcción de las regiones transfronterizas
  94. Multi-level Governance and Multi-level MetagovernanceChanges in the European Union as Integral Moments in the Transformation and Reorientation of Contemporary Statehood
  95. From the welfare state to the competition state
  96. Pouvoir et stratégies chez Poulantzas et Foucault
  97. Ralph Miliband and the Politics of the New Left
  98. Informational Capitalism and Empire: The Postmarxist Celebration of US Hegemony in a New World Order
  99. Workfare States
  100. Putting Hegemony in its Place
  101. Critical Realism and Hegemony
  102. Introduction: State Space in Question
  103. State/Space
  104. The Political Economy of Scale and the Construction of Cross-Border Micro-Regions
  105. Max Weber's Methodology: the Unification of the Cultural and Social Sciences FRITZ K. RINGER
  106. Feature review
  107. Critical Realism and Semiosis
  108. Liberalism, Neoliberalism, and Urban Governance: A State-Theoretical Perspective
  109. Time and Space in the Globalization of Capital and Their Implications for State Power
  110. Rethinking State Theory. By Mark J. Smith, New York: Routledge, 2000. 281p. $100.00.
  111. The Political Economy of Scale
  112. Governance and Meta-governance in the Face of Complexity: On the Roles of Requisite Variety, Reflexive Observation, and Romantic Irony in Participatory Governance
  113. Jessop, Bob . 2001. The regulation School and the Crisis Capitalism: Volumes 1 —3. Cheltenham. Edward Elger.
  114. State theory, regulation, and autopoiesis: debates and controversies
  115. Regulationist and Autopoieticist Reflections on Polanyi's Account of Market Economies and the Market Society
  116. Bringing the State Back In (Yet Again): Reviews, Revisions, Rejections, and Redirections
  117. Institutional Re(turns) and the Strategic – Relational Approach
  118. Bringing the State Back In (Yet Again): Reviews, Revisions, Rejections, and Redirections
  119. Regulationist and Autopoieticist Reflections on Polanyi's Account of Market Economies and the Market Society
  120. National Enterprises, National States and Labour Relations after the End of Globalization
  121. Pre-disciplinary and Post-disciplinary Perspectives
  122. Pre-disciplinary and Post-disciplinary Perspectives
  123. What Follows Fordism? On the Periodization of Capitalism and Its Regulation
  124. An Entrepreneurial City in Action: Hong Kong's Emerging Strategies in and for (Inter)Urban Competition
  125. The Crisis of the National Spatio-Temporal Fix and the Tendential Ecological Dominance of Globalizing Capitalism
  126. 'Civil society' in Japanese politics: Implications forcontemporary political research
  127. Recent Developments in State Theory: Approaches, Issues, Agendas
  128. The Changing Governance of Welfare: Recent Trends in its Primary Functions, Scale, and Modes of Coordination
  129. The Wealth of States: A Comparative Sociology of International Economic and Political Change. By Hobson John. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997. 338p. $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper.
  130. The rise of governance and the risks of failure: the case of economic development
  131. Karl Marx
  132. Nationalstaat, Globalisierung, Gender
  133. Twenty years of the (Parisian) regulation approach: The paradox of success and failure at home and abroad
  134. Survey Article: The Regulation Approach
  135. Capitalism and its future: remarks on regulation, government and governance
  136. Book Reviews: Marino Regini UNCERTAIN BOUNDARIES: THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CONSTRUCTION OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIES Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 164, Hbk £30.00, ISBN 0-521-47371-3
  137. Coercion and Consent: Studies on the Modern State
  138. Interpretive Sociology and the Dialectic of Structure and Agency
  139. Post-Fordism and the State
  140. The regulation approach, governance and post-Fordism: alternative perspectives on economic and political change?
  141. Introduction: local political economy: regulation and governance
  142. Regional Economic Blocs, Cross-Border Cooperation, and Local Economic Strategies in Postsocialism
  143. Book Review: Jyrki livonen (ed.), The Future of the Nation-State in Europe (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1993, 264 pp., no price given)
  144. Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory.Moishe Postone
  145. Preface
  146. Reflections on the Financial Crisis of the Postsocialist State
  147. Political Legitimacy and the State
  148. Governance of the American Economy
  149. Towards a Schumpeterian Workfare State? Preliminary Remarks on Post-Fordist Political Economy
  150. Accumulation Strategies, State Forms and Hegemonic Projects
  151. Regulation Theory, Post-Fordism and the State: More than a Reply to Werner Bonefeld
  152. Polar Bears and Class Struggle: Much Less than a Self-Criticism
  153. On the Originality, Legacy, and Actuality of Nicos Poulantzas
  154. Regulation theories in retrospect and prospect
  155. Capital, the State and Regional Development
  156. Mode of Production
  157. Conservative Regimes and the Transition to Post-Fordism: The Cases of Great Britain and West Germany
  158. Regulation theory, post Fordism and the state: more than a reply to Werner Bonefield
  159. Model of Production
  160. Nicos Poulantzas
  161. Fascism and Dictatorship
  162. Ideology, the State and Ideological Confrontation
  163. Developing the Regional Theory
  164. From a Regional to a Relational Theory?
  165. Towards a Regional Theory of Politics
  166. The Life and Times of Poulantzas
  167. Social Classes and Class Alliances
  168. The Democratic Transition to Democratic Socialism
  169. Existentialism, Marxism, and Law
  170. Further Remarks on the Three Sources
  171. Military Regimes and Anti-dictatorial Struggles
  172. The capitalist state and the rule of capital: Problems in the analysis of business associations
  173. El gobierno de lo ingobernable; acuerdo en la crisis
  174. Nicos Poulantzas on Political Strategy
  175. The capitalist state and political practice
  176. Class Conflict and the Industrial Relations Crisis
  177. A Rejoinder to Mann
  178. Social Order, Reform and Revolution
  179. Studies in Order, Reform and Revolution — I
  180. Studies in Order, Reform and Revolution — II
  181. A Theory of Order, Reform and Revolution
  182. Approaches to the Study of Order
  183. Governance Failure
  184. Regulation Theory
  185. Space
  186. Varieties of Capitalism
  187. Determinacy
  188. Miliband-Poulantzas Debate
  189. Dispositif
  190. The state
  191. Introduction: Political Economy and Global Capitalism
  192. What follows Neo-liberalism? The Deepening Contradictions of US Domination and the Struggle for a New Global Order
  193. State theory
  194. Fordism and Post-Fordism
  195. Metagovernance
  196. Miliband, Ralph (1924–1994)
  197. Poulantzas, Nicos (1936–1979)
  198. Post-Fordism and the State
  199. Spatial Fixes, Temporal Fixes and Spatio- Temporal Fixes
  200. A regulationist and state-theoretical analysis
  201. Comparative Capitalisms and/or Variegated Capitalism
  202. The state
  203. The State and Power
  204. Narratives of Crisis and Crisis Response
  205. Introduction
  206. Introduction
  207. Hollowing Out the ‘Nation-State’ and Multi-Level Governance
  208. Credit Money, Fiat Money and Currency Pyramids
  209. The transition to post-Fordism and the Schumpeterian workfare state
  210. Corporatism and Beyond? On Governance and Its Limits
  211. Social innovation research: a new stage in innovation analysis?
  212. Hollowing out the ‘nation-state’ and multi-level governance
  213. Social innovation research: a new stage in innovation analysis?
  214. Capitalism, nation-states and surveillance
  215. Cultural political economy and critical policy studies: developing a critique of domination
  216. Repoliticising depoliticisation:
  217. From Governance to Governance Failure and from Multi-level Governance to Multi-scalar Meta-governance
  218. A Neo-Gramscian Approach to the Regulation of Urban Regimes: Accumulation Strategies, Hegemonic Projects, and Governance
  219. documentos-ocasionales-no24-sobre-las-recientes-teorias-marxistas-acerca-del-derecho-el-estado-y-la-ideologia-juridico-politica-bob-jessop-21-nov-1984-34-pp
  220. Recovered imaginaries, imagined recoveries: a cultural political economy of crisis construals and crisis management in the North Atlantic financial crisis
  221. The complexities of competition and competitiveness: challenges for competition law and economic governance in variegated capitalism
  222. mode of production