All Stories

  1. Women’s recovery from anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research
  2. A case series to examine whether people with learning disabilities can learn prerequisite skills for cognitive behavioural therapy
  3. Trauma-focussed cognitive-behaviour therapy for people with mild intellectual disabilities: outcomes of a pilot study
  4. The subjective experience of adults with intellectual disabilities who have mental health problems within community settings
  5. Making sense of varying standards of care: the experiences of staff working in residential care environments for adults with learning disabilities
  6. How Do Women with an Intellectual Disability Experience the Support of a Doula During Their Pregnancy, Childbirth and After the Birth of Their Child?
  7. Solicitors’ experiences of representing parents with intellectual disabilities in care proceedings: attitudes, influence and legal processes
  8. Managers’ views of the effects on their service of hosting a cognitive-behavioural anger management group
  9. ‘It's made all of us bond since that course…’ - a qualitative study of service users' experiences of a CBT anger management group intervention
  10. Development of a scale to measure fidelity to manualized group-based cognitive behavioural interventions for people with intellectual disabilities
  11. Different Factors Influence Self-Reports and Third-Party Reports of Anger by Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
  12. Gender issues for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems: asking what service users and staff think
  13. Staff Expectations and Views of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
  14. A cluster randomised controlled trial of a manualised cognitive behavioural anger management intervention delivered by supervised lay therapists to people with intellectual disabilities
  15. MAnualized Group Intervention Check
  16. Mental Health Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities - What Do Service Users and Staff Think of Them?
  17. The Experiences of Staff Taking on the Role of Lay Therapist in a Group-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Anger Management Intervention for People with Intellectual Disabilities
  18. Cognitive behavioural therapy from the perspective of clients with mild intellectual disabilities: a qualitative investigation of process issues
  19. Psychological Well-Being and Social Support for Parents With Intellectual Disabilities: Risk Factors and Interventions
  20. Anger management for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities: Study protocol for a multi-centre cluster randomized controlled trial of a manualized intervention delivered by day-service staff
  21. An Investigation of Nursing Staff Attitudes and Emotional Reactions Towards Patients with Intellectual Disability in a General Hospital Setting
  23. Cognitive behavioural therapy: from face to face interaction to a broader contextual understanding of change
  24. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: for people with mental handicaps
  25. The Uses of a Special Needs Register for People with Learning Difficulties Looking Back Over Five Years
  26. Assertiveness Training for People With a Mental Handicap A Group Approach
  27. The balance of power in therapeutic interactions with individuals who have intellectual disabilities
  28. Service users and staff from secure intellectual disability settings
  29. Evaluation of a community care project for people with learning difficulties
  30. Enhancing the Emotion Recognition Skills of Individuals With Learning Disabilities: A Review of the Literature
  31. Psychological Factors Associated with Obtaining Employment
  32. Service users' views of physical restraint procedures in secure settings for people with learning disabilities
  33. 'Are you allowed to say that?' using video materials to provide accessible information about psychology services
  34. Adapting Individual Psychotherapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Comparative Review of the Cognitive-Behavioural and Psychodynamic Literature
  35. Treating Chronic Nightmares of Sexual Assault Survivors with an Intellectual Disability - Two Descriptive Case Studies
  36. The experience of a man with severe challenging behaviour following resettlement from hospital: a single case design
  37. The Use of Psychotropic Medication for People with Learning Disabilities
  38. The impact of a vulnerable adult protection policy on the psychological and emotional well‐being of adults with a learning disability
  39. An investigation of students' with mild learning disabilities reactions to participating in sexuality research
  40. The efficacy of interventions designed to prevent and protect people with intellectual disabilities from sexual abuse: a review of the literature
  41. Factors affecting the likelihood that people with intellectual disabilities will gain employment
  42. Investigating Organizational Culture: A Comparison of a 'High'- and a 'Low'-Performing Residential Unit for People with Intellectual Disabilities
  43. Assessing the Severity of Challenging Behaviour: Psychometric Properties of the Challenging Behaviour Interview
  44. Social Support Networks and Psychological Well-being of Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities
  45. General practitioners' attitudes to patients who have learning disabilities
  46. Subjective judgements of quality of life: a comparison study between people with intellectual disability and those without disability
  47. Barriers to accessing leisure opportunities for people with learning disabilities
  48. Diagnosis and drugs: help or hindrance when people with learning disabilities have psychological problems?
  49. A Study of the Knowledge that People with Intellectual Disabilities have of their Prescribed Medication
  50. Assessing the ability of people with a learning disability to give informed consent to treatment
  51. Consumers with Intellectual Disabilities as Service Evaluators
  52. The Conceptualisation of Dreams by People with Intellectual Disabilities
  53. Consent to Psychological Research by People with an Intellectual Disability
  54. Stress, coping, and disturbed eating attitudes in teenage girls
  56. Orienting, Habituation, and Short-Term Memory
  57. Effects of an Attention-Demanding Task on Amplitude and Habituation of the Electrodermal Orienting Response
  58. Front Matter
  59. Index