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  1. Clinical profiles and factors associated with treatment initiation in survivors of sex trafficking: A comparison with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  2. A Pilot Study of a Trauma Training for Healthcare Workers Serving Refugees in Greece: Perceptions of Feasibility of Task-Shifting Trauma Informed Care
  3. Predictors of treatment initiation, completion, and selection among youth offered trauma-informed care.
  4. Predictors of Treatment Access and Initiation Among Diverse, Low-Income Victims of Violence Offered a Trauma-Focused Evidence-Based Psychotherapy
  5. Psychotherapy for experiential avoidance and PTSD
  6. Age-Related Differences in Trauma Experiences, Mental-Health Needs, and Mental-Health-Service Use in Victims of Human Trafficking: A Pilot Investigation of Transition-Aged Youth Compared to Older Adults