All Stories

  1. Preterm Labor: Up to Date
  2. Vaginal delivery of the second twin in unengaged cephalic presentation
  3. How to improve health literacy to reduce short- and long-term consequences of maternal obesity?
  4. Re: Prevention of preterm birth with pessary in twins (PoPPT): a randomized controlled trial
  5. Longitudinal study of computerized cardiotocography in early fetal growth restriction
  6. The European Court of Human Rights on planned home birth: resolution of a paradoxical ruling
  7. How to monitor pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and delivery before 32 weeks: post-hoc analysis of TRUFFLE study
  8. Overweight and Obesity before, during and after Pregnancy
  9. Mütterliche Risiken bei Schwangerschaft mit Fetalchirurgie von TTTS und fetalen Fehlbildungen
  10. Human parvovirus B19 infection causing discrepant prenatal findings and outcome in monochorionic diamniotic twins
  11. Die geplante Hausgeburt in industrialisierten Ländern: Bürokratische Traumvorstellung vs. professionelle Verantwortlichkeit