All Stories

  1. Impact of a single distance phase retrieval algorithm on spatial resolution in X-ray inline phase sensitive imaging
  2. A dual-mode deep transfer learning (D2TL) system for breast cancer detection using contrast enhanced digital mammograms
  3. Applying deep learning technology to automatically identify metaphase chromosomes using scanning microscopic images: an initial investigation
  4. Optimized acquisition time for x-ray fluorescence imaging of gold nanoparticles: a preliminary study using photon counting detector
  5. Association between Changes in Mammographic Image Features and Risk for Near-term Breast Cancer Development
  6. Computer-aided breast MR image feature analysis for prediction of tumor response to chemotherapy
  7. A new computer-aided detection scheme based on assessment of local bilateral mammographic feature asymmetry - a preliminary evaluation
  8. Improving the efficacy of mammography screening: the potential and challenge of developing new computer-aided detection approaches
  9. A new approach to develop computer-aided detection schemes of digital mammograms
  10. A new CAD approach for improving efficacy of cancer screening
  11. Association of mammographic image feature change and an increasing risk trend of developing breast cancer: an assessment
  12. Automated detection of breast tumor in MRI and comparison of kinetic features for assessing tumor response to chemotherapy
  13. Exploring new quantitative CT image features to improve assessment of lung cancer prognosis
  14. A new Fourier transform based CBIR scheme for mammographic mass classification: a preliminary invariance assessment
  15. Optimization of Network Topology in Computer-Aided Detection Schemes Using Phased Searching with NEAT in a Time-Scaled Framework
  16. Association between Computed Tissue Density Asymmetry in Bilateral Mammograms and Near-term Breast Cancer Risk
  17. A new resonance-frequency based electrical impedance spectroscopy and its application in biomedical engineering
  18. A new mass classification system derived from multiple features and a trained MLP model
  19. Improving breast mass detection using histogram of oriented gradients
  20. Classification of Thyroid Nodules Using a Resonance-Frequency–Based Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy: A Preliminary Assessment
  21. Resonance-frequency based electrical impedance spectroscopy and its detection sensitivity to breast lesions
  22. Objective evaluation of the microscopic image sharpness for diagnostic metaphase chromosomes
  23. Evaluation of computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems
  24. Improving Performance of Computer-aided Detection of Masses by Incorporating Bilateral Mammographic Density Asymmetry: An Assessment
  25. Improving performance of computer-aided detection of pulmonary embolisms by incorporating a new pulmonary vascular-tree segmentation algorithm
  26. Improving CAD performance by fusion of the bilateral mammographic tissue asymmetry information
  27. Perceptual mass segmentation using eye-tracking and seed-growing
  28. Multi-instance learning for mass retrieval in digitized mammograms
  29. Classification of thyroid nodules using a resonance-frequency-based electrical impedance spectroscopy: progress assessment
  30. An Interactive System for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Masses
  31. Improving the performance of computer-aided detection of subtle breast masses using an adaptive cueing method
  32. A Multistage Approach to Improve Performance of Computer-Aided Detection of Pulmonary Embolisms Depicted on CT Images: Preliminary Investigation
  33. Multi-probe-based resonance-frequency electrical impedance spectroscopy for detection of suspicious breast lesions: improving performance using partial ROC optimization
  34. Assessment of a CAD scheme in selecting the optimal focused microscopic scanning images of the metaphase chromosomes
  35. Computerized prediction of breast cancer risk: comparison between the global and local bilateral mammographic tissue asymmetry
  36. Assessing risk of thyroid cancer using resonance-frequency based electrical impedance measurements
  37. Automated segmentation of pulmonary nodule depicted on CT images
  38. Texture-based segmentation and analysis of emphysema depicted on CT images
  39. A Preliminary Evaluation of Multi-probe Resonance-frequency Electrical Impedance Based Measurements of the Breast
  40. Computer-aided detection of early interstitial lung diseases using low-dose CT images
  41. A GMM-based breast cancer risk stratification using a resonance-frequency electrical impedance spectroscopy
  42. Improving Breast Cancer Risk Stratification Using Resonance-Frequency Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Through Fusion of Multiple Classifiers
  43. Computer-Aided Detection
  44. Computer-aided Detection: The Impact of Machine Learning Classifier and Image Feature Selection on Scheme Performance
  45. Assessment of Performance and Reliability of Computer-Aided Detection Scheme Using Content-Based Image Retrieval Approach and Limited Reference Database
  46. Improving CAD performance in pulmonary embolism detection: preliminary investigation
  47. Improving performance and reliability of interactive CAD schemes
  48. Automated detection of analyzable metaphase chromosome cells depicted on scanned digital microscopic images
  49. A Boosting Framework for Visuality-Preserving Distance Metric Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Retrieval
  50. Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Examinations Using Implicit Surface Fitting
  51. Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Mammography Using Content-Based Image Retrieval Approaches: Current Status and Future Perspectives
  52. A Computational Geometry Approach to Automated Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT Examinations
  53. Improving Performance of Computer-aided Detection Scheme by Combining Results From Two Machine Learning Classifiers
  54. Pulmonary airways tree segmentation from CT examinations using adaptive volume of interest
  55. Developing and testing a multi-probe resonance electrical impedance spectroscopy system for detecting breast abnormalities
  56. Automated classification of metaphase chromosomes: Optimization of an adaptive computerized scheme
  57. Automated detection and analysis of fluorescent in situ hybridization spots depicted in digital microscopic images of Pap-smear specimens
  58. Development and assessment of an integrated computer-aided detection scheme for digital microscopic images of metaphase chromosomes
  59. Automated identification of analyzable metaphase chromosomes depicted on microscopic digital images
  60. Assessment of the relationship between lesion segmentation accuracy and computer-aided diagnosis scheme performance
  61. Assembling a prototype resonance electrical impedance spectroscopy system for breast tissue signal detection: preliminary assessment
  62. Erratum: “Evaluating computer-aided detection algorithms” [Med. Phys. 34, 2024–2038 (2007)]
  63. A rule-based computer scheme for centromere identification and polarity assignment of metaphase chromosomes
  64. Detection of breast abnormalities using a prototype resonance electrical impedance spectroscopy system: A preliminary study
  65. An automated CT based lung nodule detection scheme using geometric analysis of signed distance field
  66. Evaluating computer-aided detection algorithms
  68. Automated detection and quantitative assessment of pulmonary airways depicted on CT images
  69. Airway morphometry in the lungs as depicted in chest CT examinations variability of measurements
  70. Multiview-based computer-aided detection scheme for breast masses
  71. Pulmonary Nodule Detection with Low-Dose CT of the Lung: Agreement Among Radiologists
  72. Development and evaluation of automated systems for detection and classification of banded chromosomes: current status and future perspectives
  73. On the Testing and Reporting of Computer-aided Detection Results for Lung Cancer Detection1
  74. Automated detection and classification of interstitial lung diseases from low-dose CT images
  75. Detection and classification performance levels of mammographic masses under different computer-aided detection cueing environments1
  76. Computer-Aided Detection Schemes: The Effect of Limiting the Number of Cued Regions in Each Case
  77. A method to test the reproducibility and to improve performance of computer-aided detection schemes for digitized mammograms
  78. Mammography with Computer-aided Detection: Reproducibility Assessment—Initial Experience1
  79. Computer-Aided Detection in Mammography
  80. Incorporation of negative regions in a knowledge-based computer-aided detection scheme
  81. Soft-Copy Mammographic Readings with Different Computer-assisted Detection Cuing Environments: Preliminary Findings1
  82. Knowledge-based computer-aided detection of masses on digitized mammograms: A preliminary assessment
  83. Performance gain in computer-assisted detection schemes by averaging scores generated from artificial neural networks with adaptive filtering
  84. Application of a Bayesian belief network in a computer-assisted diagnosis scheme for mass detection
  85. Identification of Clustered Microcalcifications on Digitized Mammograms Using Morphology and Topography-Based Computer-Aided Detection Schemes
  86. Assessment of mass detection using tissue background information as input to a computer-assisted diagnosis scheme
  87. Incorporation of a set enumeration trees-based classifier into a hybrid computer-assisted diagnosis scheme for mass detection
  88. Adequacy testing of training set sample sizes in the development of a computer-assisted diagnosis scheme
  89. Computer-aided detection of clustered microcalcifications on digitized mammograms: A robustness experiment
  90. Adaptive computer-aided diagnosis scheme of digitized mammograms
  91. Computer-aided detection of clustered microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
  92. Computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer using artificial neural networks: comparison of backpropagation and genetic algorithms
  93. Comparison of artificial neural network and Bayesian belief network in a computer-assisted diagnosis scheme for mammography